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Digital Monsters Almanac / Digi-Dex

Ballistamon : The Ballista Monster


General Information First Appearances
Level Attribute Type
? ? Machine 1
Début Card Début Anime Début
Digimon Dictionary D1-08 S6 : Episode 1
Toei Picture Bandai Picture / Available Picture


Fan-Made (Garmmon) Fan-Made (Lhikan634)

- NA -

US Attacks Japanese Attacks

Common Attacks


Misc. Attacks


Common Attacks

Heavy Speaker 1
Horn Breaker 1
Ultimate Speaker 9

Misc. Attacks




Weapons / Shields Subspecies


Digimon Dictionary


A heavyweight Digimon that has armor of a thick metallic quality and overwhelming power. It doesn't voluntarily attack in a warlike fashion, although it seemingly looks like it, but is in fact a peace-loving and calm person. However, it has become a strong matchless fighter whose incredibly muscular arms sweep away its enemies when in battle.

It is good at attacks that deliver a killing blow without fail that also makes use of its large power, and its heavy armor provides it with the offense and defense it needs to freely aim and hit high with its large power. However, its bulky body can cause more harm than good, sometimes making it cause accidents, and it isn't good at fighting against agile enemies.

Its power increases by crushing rocks, but it keeps this mountain-rumbling powers a secret, which actually comes from the hungry attack power of "Heavy Speaker", which is originated from the deep bass speakers on its stomach and which can crush its enemies entirely. Moreover, the boasting horn on its head gives Ballistamon the chance to attack those who approach it, but it hates for others to touch it thoughtlessly. Ballistamon can attack with "Horn Breaker", which throws down the opponent by dynamically using this horn.

Moreover, Ballistamon can lend its heavy armor and power to other Digimon, providing them with Soukou Kyouka Keitai (Armor-Reinforced Mode).






Super XW

Digimon Story Super Xros Wars


Not available yet


メタルしつ そうこうと あっとうてきパワーを もつ
あらそいよりも へいわをこのむ おだやかな せいかく
だが たたかいと なれば ごうわんを ふるって
テキを いっそうする きょうりょくな とうしとなる


Toei Xros Wars Website


A heavyweight Digimon that possesses thick armor and overwhelming power!

A heavyweight Digimon that possesses bulky metallic armor and overwhelming power. It appears warlike at first glance, but because of its gentle personality, preferring harmony to conflict, it will never attack first. However, if it gets into a fight, it becomes a powerful and matchless fighter that swings its stout arms and wipes out the opponent.

Its "Horn Breaker", which heroically uses the horn on its head to fling the opponent, is Ballistamon's Signature Move. (KrytenKoro)





- NA -

- NA -


Evolves From
Evolves To

AtlurBallistamon 13

BalliBastemon (w/ Persiamon) 10
Ballistamon MC (w/ Mushroomon) 11
Ballistamon SR (w/ Dorulumon) 12
Shoutmon X2 (w/ Shoutmon) 14
Shoutmon X3 (w/ Shoutmon, Dorulumon) 3
Shoutmon X4 (w/ Shoutmon, Dorulumon, Starmon (Xros Wars) and Pickmon) 15
Shoutmon X4B (w/ Shoutmon, Dorulumon, Starmon (Xros Wars), Pickmon, and Beelzemon (Xros Wars)) 5
Shoutmon X4K (w/ Shoutmon, Dorulumon, Starmon (Xros Wars), Pickmon, Knightmon, and PawnChessmon (White)) 6
Shoutmon X5 (w/ Shoutmon, Dorulumon, Starmon (Xros Wars), Pickmon, and Sparrowmon) 7
Shoutmon X5B (w/ Shoutmon, Dorulumon, Starmon (Xros Wars), Pickmon, Beelzemon (Xros Wars), and Sparrowmon) 8

Evolves From (Anime)

- NA -

Evolves To (Anime)

BalliBastemon (w/ Persiamon) 10
Shoutmon X2 (w/ Shoutmon) 2
Shoutmon X3 (w/ Shoutmon, Dorulumon) 3
Shoutmon X4 (w/ Shoutmon, Dorulumon, Starmon (Xros Wars) and Pickmon) 4
Shoutmon X4B (w/ Shoutmon, Dorulumon, Starmon (Xros Wars), Pickmon, and Beelzemon (Xros Wars)) 5
Shoutmon X4K (w/ Shoutmon, Dorulumon, Starmon (Xros Wars), Pickmon, Knightmon, and PawnChessmon (White)) 6
Shoutmon X5 (w/ Shoutmon, Dorulumon, Starmon (Xros Wars), Pickmon, and Sparrowmon) 7
Shoutmon X5B (w/ Shoutmon, Dorulumon, Starmon (Xros Wars), Pickmon, Beelzemon (Xros Wars), and Sparrowmon) 8

Name Origin

US Name - NA -


- NA -
Japanese Name Ballistamon
Etymology English. Ballista.


Citations Notes

1 Digimon Dictionary
2 Season 6 : Episode 1
3 Season 6 : Episode 3
4 Season 6 : Episode 12
5 Season 6 : Episode 16
6 Season 6 : Episode 11
7 Season 6 : Episode 22
8 Season 6 : Episode 29
9 Season 6 : Episode 41
10 Season 6 : Episode 23
11 Digimon Xros Wars Manga Chapter 3
12 Digimon Xros Wars Manga Chapter 5
13 Digimon Xros Wars Manga Chapter 17
14 Digimon Dictionary
15 3-027



- Toei picture was created by Garmmon
Bandai picture was created by Bandai
- LCD picture 1 was created by NM, 2-3 was created by Garmmon, 4 was created by Lhikan634


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