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DMA Version Final2

Digi-Dex / Shoutmon X2

Shoutmon X2 : The Shouting Monster Xros Two

General Information First Appearances
Level Attribute Type
? ? Enhancement 1
Début Card Début Anime Début
Season 6 D1-05 S6 : Episode 1
Toei Picture Bandai Picture / Available Picture


Family (Families)

Fan-Made (Garmmon)

- NA -

US Attacks Japanese Attacks

Common Attacks


Misc. Attacks


Common Attacks

Mac Arrow 1
Horn Breaker DX 1
Arm Bunker 1
Optic Laser 1
Miya Vulcan 1
Buddy Blaster 1

Misc. Attacks




Variations Subspecies


Digimon Dictionary


Shoutmon has combined with another Digimon, that of Ballistamon, and became this Digimon with an excellent form of defense via his Soukou Kyouka Keitai (Armor-Reinforced Mode): the resulting potential convergence of two or more Digimon bodies bring many more powerful finishing moves.

Its melee attacks are rich in variety, such as a powerful beam attack that can reach a wide range and hit multiple targets on the battleground during combat, and the added power from Ballistamon is more than enough to secure its potential. Ballistamon's attack of "Horn Breaker" has now become the enhanced "Horn Breaker DX", which is said to be the result of a breakthrough in technology, wherein it can hover into the enemy's camp and annoy the enemy by flying about and attacking. The power and friendship of the two combined Digimon are especially synchronized in its special attack of "Buddy Blaster", which emits the biggest known blast of energy from its horn via its mental strength. (Wildermon)




Super XW

Digimon Story Super Xros Wars


Not available yet


バリスタモンの 「きょうかそうこうけいたい」
ほかの デジモンを 1体 しゅうようすることで その
デジモンに すうばいの わんりょくと ぼうぎょりょくを
あたえ さらに 2体のデジモンの せんざいのうりょくが
ゆうごうした けっか さまざまな きょうりょくな
ひっさつ技を もたらす

TV Asahi

TV Asahi Xros Wars Website


Shoutmon and Ballistamon, DigiXros!

The speedy Shoutmon and Ballistamon who boasts great power DigiXros! From Ballistamon's Soukou Kyouka Keitai (Armor-Reinforced Mode) which provides better defense, Shoutmon's arm power and defense are upped. A Digimon that combines both speed and power.

When the two Digimon's power of friendship synchronizes, the can use 'Buddy Blaster', which turns its spirit power into energy and fires it out from its horn, its greatest Special Move. (Garmmon)



- NA -

- NA -


Evolves From
Shoutmon + Ballistamon 1
Evolves To

Shoutmon X2 Plus M (w/ ChibiKamemon) 3
Shoutmon X3 (w/ Dorulumon) 5
Shoutmon X4B (w/ Dorulumon, Beelzemon (Xros Wars), Starmon (Xros Wars), and Pickmon) 4

Evolves From (Anime)

Shoutmon + Ballistamon 2

Evolves To (Anime)

Shoutmon X2 Plus M (w/ ChibiKamemon) 3
Shoutmon X4B (w/ Dorulumon, Beelzemon (Xros Wars), Starmon (Xros Wars), and Pickmon) 4

Name Origin

US Name / - NA -

Origin / - NA -

Japanese Name / Shoutmon X2
Origin / English. Shout. X is short for Xros, indicating the type of evolution. 2 refers to the number of Digimon that DigiXrosed to create it.



1 Digimon Dictionary
2 Season 6 : Episode 1
3 Season 6 : Episode 4
4 Season 6 : Episode 18
5 1-031



- Toei picture was created by Wikimon
- Bandai picture was created by Bandai
- LCD picture 1 was created by Garmmon, 2 was created by Garmmon


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