Digi-Dex /
Shoutmon X4
Shoutmon X4 :
The Shouting Monster Xros Four |
General Information |
First Appearances |
Début |
Card Début |
Anime Début |
Season 6 |
D1-07 |
S6 : Episode 6 |
Toei Picture |
Bandai Picture
/ Available
Picture |
Family (Families) |
- NA - |
US Attacks |
Japanese Attacks |
Three Impact 1
Three Victorize 1
High Atmospheric Pressure 1
Burning Star Crusher 1
Victorize Boomerang 1
Burning Star Slasher 1
Three Victorize Max Power 3 |
Profile |
Variations |
Subspecies |
Digimon Dictionary
This Digimon was born from four others through a strong
desire to achieve an absolute victory, who then combined
themselves to become this "Victory Keitai" (Victory
Mode). This being is the ultimate reason why they
decided to stick to their beliefs throughout. Its power
is immense, and it definitely counts as one of the
strongest of Digimon.
It is good at fighting mainly on the ground, using such
attacks as "Burning Star Crash", which quickly cuts the
opponent in two, and "Three-in-One Impact", which emits
a punch whenever it needs to get itself out of a tricky
situation and recover. (Wildermon)
Super XW
Digimon Story Super Xros Wars
Not available yet
4体のデジモンの ぜったいに しょうりを かちとると
いう つよいおもいが たんじょうさせた
「ヴィクトリーけいたい」という きせきの すがた
その ちからは ぜつだいであり まちがいなく
さいきょうの デジモンの 1体に かぞえられる
TV Asahi
TV Asahi Xros Wars Website
A Digi Xros of Shoutmon,
Dorulumon, and
Starmon and the
Pickmons! This "Victory
Keitai" (Victory Mode) was born from their powerful desire to gain
absolute victory. It is one of the strongest Digimon.
It pulverizes the opponent with "Burning Star Crusher",
which can cut any opponent in two with a single stroke,
even if they are moving about quickly, or "Three
Impact", a comeback punch that will find it a way out of
any predicament! (KrytenKoro)
Evolution |
Name Origin |
Japanese Name / Shoutmon X4 |
Origin / English. Shout. X is short for
Xros, indicating the type of evolution. 4 refers to the number of
Digimon that DigiXrosed to create it. |
References |
Digimon Dictionary
2 Season 6 : Episode 6
3 Season 6 : Episode 8
4 Season 6 : Episode 12
5 Season 6 : Episode 15
6 Season 6 : Episode 17
Digimon Story : Super Xros Wars Red & Blue
8 1-039
9 3-027 |
Credits |
Toei picture was created by Wikimon
Bandai picture was created by Bandai
LCD picture 1 was created by Garmmon, 2 was created by Lhikan634 |