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Digital Monsters Almanac / Digi-Dex

Beelzemon : The Beelzebub Monster

Beelzemon (Xros Wars)

General Information First Appearances
Level Attribute Type
? ? Demon Lord 1
Début Card Début Anime Début
Season 6 D2-18 S6 : Episode 14
Toei Picture Bandai Picture / Available Picture


Fan-Made (Lhikan634)

- NA -

US Attacks Japanese Attacks

Common Attacks

Double Impact 6
Darkness Claw 6


Misc. Attacks


Common Attacks

Death the Cannon 1
Darkness Claw 1
Double Impact 3
Double Impact SDX 3

Misc. Attacks




Weapons / Shields Subspecies


Digimon Dictionary


A lone demon warrior with a terrible amount of destructive power. Although it is seen to have a cool personality due to being more quiet and indifferent than others, in fact it likes battles more than anyone else. It has been listed as one of the most powerful Digimon around, and if the enemy happens to gaze at Beelzemon during a battle, they stop being cocky. And those who Beelzemon challenges to a duel never get the chance to flee from the ensuing battle. Its attack of "Death the Cannon" is a quick-draw technique emitted from the "Berenjena SDX" gun in its right hand, and while it requires more concentration to fire, it unleashes an overwhelming amount of power. It has agile god-like speed that ensures all enemies on the field are shot down by his gunfire. Also, those who utter their last requests while subjected to its "Darkness Claw" will never get them, as it believes that only last requests are given to fools. It's impossible for anyone to strike it down as it moves, and those who try will quickly breathe their last in front of Beelzemon. (Wildermon)


恐るべき破壊力を持つ孤高の魔戦士。無口で他人に無関心であるため冷静な性格と見られているが、その実、誰よりも闘争を好む。もっとも強いデジモンの一人とされており、ベルゼブモンの姿を見て戦いを挑む者は、愚か者以外にはいない。そして、ベルゼブモンは挑まれた戦いから逃げるようなことは決してない。 右腕の巨大な銃『ベレンヘーナSDX』から放たれる「デス・ザ・キャノン」は威力も絶大だがそれ以上に注意しなければならいのはその早撃ちの技である。神速とまで言われる早撃ちに倒された敵も少なくない。 また、相手の願いを叶える代わりに金縛りにしてしまう「ダークネスクロウ」は愚か者に与えられる最後の褒美と囁かれている。身動き出来なくなった愚か者は、息絶えるまでベルゼブモンの早撃ちの標的にされることになる。

Super XW

Digimon Story Super Xros Wars


Not available yet


おそるべき ハカイりょくを もつ ここうの ませんし
むくちで たにんに むかんしんで あるため れいせいな
せいかくと みられるが だれよりも とうそうを このむ
もっとも つよいデジモンの ひとりと されており
ベルゼブモンの すがたをみて たたかいを いどむものは
おろかもの いがいには いない

TV Asahi

TV Asahi Xros Wars Website


Reincarnated from Baalmon, who was saved by Taiki's tears

Reincarnated from Baalmon, it is an aloof warrior possessing terrifying destructive power. Although it is seen as having a serene personality due to its taciturnity, it loves conflict more than anyone else and is one of the strongest Digimon. Its "Death the Cannon", fired from the gigantic "Berenjena SDX" gun on its right arm, is a tremendously powerful fast draw technique. Its Special Move is rapid-firing its twin shotguns (Double Impact SDX). (KrytenKoro)





Xros Figure


An aloof demon warrior possessing terrifying destructive power.

Its "Death the Cannon", fired from the gigantic "Berenjena SDX" gun on its right arm, is a fast draw technique which has tremendous power, but it must exercise further caution in its use. Also, its "Darkness Claw", which paralyses the opponent, is also a super-powerful technique. (KrytenKoro)


Not available yet

Berenjena SDX

Beelzemon (X)
Beelzemon Blast Mode


Evolves From
Baalmon 2
Evolves To

Shoutmon X4B (w/ Shoutmon, Ballistamon, Dorulumon, Starmon (Xros Wars), and Pickmon) 7
Shoutmon X4B (w/ Shoutmon X2, Dorulumon, Starmon (Xros Wars), and Pickmon) 5
Shoutmon X4B (w/ Shoutmon X4) 4
Shoutmon X5B (w/ Shoutmon, Ballistamon, Dorulumon, Starmon (Xros Wars), Pickmon, and Sparrowmon) 8

Evolves From (Anime)

Baalmon 2

Evolves To (Anime)

Shoutmon X4B (w/ Shoutmon, Ballistamon, Dorulumon, Starmon (Xros Wars), and Pickmon) 7
Shoutmon X4B (w/ Shoutmon X2, Dorulumon, Starmon (Xros Wars), and Pickmon) 5
Shoutmon X4B (w/ Shoutmon X4) 4
Shoutmon X5B (w/ Shoutmon, Ballistamon, Dorulumon, Starmon (Xros Wars), Pickmon, and Sparrowmon) 8

Name Origin

US Name Beelzemon 6


Hebrew. Beelze is short for Beelzebub, which literally translates to 'Lord of the Flies'.
Japanese Name Beelzebumon Note-1
Etymology Hebrew. Beelzebu is short for Beelzebub, which literally translates to 'Lord of the Flies'.


Citations Notes

1 Digimon Dictionary
2 Season 6 : Episode 14
3 TV Asahi
4 Season 6 : Episode 15
5 Season 6 : Episode 18
6 Bo-303 (Dub)
7 Season 6 : Episode 16
8 Season 6 : Episode 29

Note-1 Beelzebub, in some text, is synonymous with Satan, the devil, or Lucifer. In Christian mythology, Beelzebub is Hell's version of Cherubim, in the hierarchy of fallen angels. In other text Beelzebub is Satan's chief lieutenant.


- Toei picture was created by Wikimon
- Bandai picture was created by Bandai
- LCD picture 1 was created by NH, 2 was created by Garmmon, 3 was created by Lhikan634


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