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Digi-Dex / Sparrowmon

Sparrowmon : The Sparrow Monster

General Information First Appearances
Level Attribute Type
? ? Bird 5
Machine 1
Début Card Début Anime Début
Super Digica Taisen Set 2 D2-16 S6 : Episode 12
Toei Picture Bandai Picture / Available Picture

Family (Families)

- NA -

US Attacks Japanese Attacks

Common Attacks


Misc. Attacks


Common Attacks

Crash Boom 1
Wing Edge 1
Random Laser 1

Misc. Attacks




Variations Subspecies


Digimon Dictionary


A Digimon specializing in aerial battles that soars soundlessly at Mach speed. It is effective not only at speed but also at tight turns, and possesses the maneuverability to easily pull off a sudden turn. It is fundamentally someone that easily gets carried away due to its moodiness. Because the quality of its flying varies depending on how it feels at the moment, you can immediately tell whether its mood is good or bad, from whether it looks like it is flying well or badly. If it is performing highly difficult aerial acrobatics without even being asked, you can take it as being unmistakable proof that it is in high spirits. Sparrowmon's many extraordinary feats, too quick to catch with the eyes, are things that thoroughly capitalize on that maneuverability. Its "Wing Edge", in which it slices the opponent with its wings as it passes through them, while continuously altering its trajectory at high speeds, is something which owes everything to high-altitude technical flying. The guns which it holds in both hands are a set of twin pistols named "Zanahoria", made by the same craftsman who produced their sister-gun, the "Berenjena" possessed by Beelzemon. (KrytenKoro)


音もなく高速で飛翔する空戦に特化したデジモン。スピードだけでなく小回りも利き、急激な旋回を苦もなくやってのける機動性を持つ。 基本的に気分屋でお調子者。その時の気分で飛び方が変わるので、見ていれば調子がいいのか悪いのか、機嫌がいいのか悪いのかがすぐに解る。頼まれてもいないのに難易度の高い曲芸飛行をしていたら、間違いなく浮かれている証拠である。スパロウモンの目にも止まらぬ早業の数々はその機動性を充分に活かしたものである。高速で絶え間なく軌道を変化させながらすれ違いざまに敵を翼で斬る「ウィングエッジ」は、高度な飛行テクニックがあっての事だ。両手に持つ銃は、ベルゼブモンの持つ「ベレンヘーナ」と同じ名工が作った兄弟銃で「サナオリア」という二挺一組の拳銃である。

Super XW

Digimon Story Super Xros Wars


Not available yet


そらの たたかいに とっかした デジモン
こまわりも きき きゅうげきな せんかいを くもなく
やってのける きどうせいを もつ
キブンやで おちょうしもの そのときの キブンで
とびかたが かわるので みていれば ちょうしが わかる

TV Asahi

TV Asahi Xros Wars Website


Soaring free, it attacks with extraordinary feats without even stopping!

A Digimon specializing in aerial battles that soars soundlessly at Mach speed. Because it easily gets carried away due to its moodiness, you can immediately tell whether its mood is good or bad, from whether it looks like it is flying well or badly. If it is performing highly difficult aerial acrobatics without even being asked, you can take it as unmistakable proof that it is in high spirits. Its "Wing Edge", in which it slices the opponent with its wings as it passes through them, while continuously altering its trajectory at high speeds, is a technique requiring high-altitude technical flying. (KrytenKoro)





Xros Figure


A Digimon specializing in aerial battles that soars soundlessly at Mach speed. It is effective not only at speed but also at tight turns, and possesses the maneuverability to easily pull off a sudden turn. Its "Wing Edge", in which it slices the opponent with its wings as it passes through them, while continuously altering its trajectory at high speeds, is something which owes everything to high-altitude technical flying. The guns which it holds in both hands are a set of twin pistols named "Zanahoria", made by the same craftsman who produced their sister-gun, the "Berenjena" possessed by Beelzemon. (KrytenKoro)



- NA -

- NA -


Evolves From
Evolves To

Shoutmon + Jet Sparrow 4
Shoutmon X5 (w/ Shoutmon X4) 5
Shoutmon X5 (w/ Shoutmon, Ballistamon, Dorulumon, Starmon (Xros Wars), and Pickmon) 3
Shoutmon X5B (w/ Beelzemon (Xros Wars)) 6
Shoutmon X5B (w/ Shoutmon, Ballistamon, Dorulumon, Starmon (Xros Wars), Pickmon, and Beelzemon (Xros Wars)) 7

Evolves From (Anime)

- NA -

Evolves To (Anime)

Shoutmon + Jet Sparrow 4
Shoutmon X5 (w/ Shoutmon X4) 2
Shoutmon X5 (w/ Shoutmon, Ballistamon, Dorulumon, Starmon (Xros Wars), and Pickmon) 3
Shoutmon X5B (w/ Beelzemon (Xros Wars)) 6
Shoutmon X5B (w/ Shoutmon, Ballistamon, Dorulumon, Starmon (Xros Wars), Pickmon, and Beelzemon (Xros Wars)) 7

Name Origin

US Name / - NA -

Origin / - NA -

Japanese Name / Sparrowmon
Origin / English. Sparrow refers to the Heinkel He 162, a WWII German fighter jet named the "Sparrow" by its developer.



1 TV Asahi
2 Season 6 : Episode 17
3 Season 6 : Episode 22
4 Season 6 : Episode 23
5 1-039
6 Season 6 : Episode 26
7 Season 6 : Episode 29



- Toei picture was created by Wikimon
- Bandai picture was created by Bandai
- LCD picture was created by Garmmon
- Name meaning provided by Ainz


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