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Digital Monsters Almanac / Digi-Dex

Pickmon : The Guitar Pick Monster


General Information First Appearances
Level Attribute Type
? ? Minor 1
Début Card Début Anime Début
Season 6 D1-11 S6 : Episode 1
Toei Picture Bandai Picture / Available Picture



Fan-Made (Garmmon)

- NA -

US Attacks Japanese Attacks

Common Attacks


Misc. Attacks


Common Attacks

Chinchikurin (Shorty) 1
Sugar Plum 1

Misc. Attacks




Weapons / Shields Subspecies


Digimon Dictionary


These Digimon serve as the main squad of the Starmons army corp. The Starmons are a military team that mainly consists of several Pickmon and a leader Starmon. The corps have a severe hierarchy, and they do not allow disobedience of any kind. Each of the Pickmon work hard to become independent, and once they have succeeded in advancing through the ranks, they emerge from the crowd as a Major and become Starmon, but some Pickmon will give up, quit the army and return to whence they came. (Wildermon)



Super XW

Digimon Story Super Xros Wars


Not available yet


スターモンズの しゅようメンバーとして 軍だんに
いる デジモン
きびしい 上下かんけいの なかで がんばって
ひとりだちを めざして むれからとびだした
ピックモンが メジャーしんしゅつに せいこうして
スターモンに なれるのである

TV Asahi

TV Asahi Xros Wars Website


Digimon which are enrolled in the "Starmons" corps, where they make up most of the members. There is a strict hierarchy to the corps, and there are more than a few Pickmon who have given up midway on becoming a Starmon, then left and gone back home, but nevertheless, Pickmon that work hard, aim at independence, and stand out from the crowd will succeed in being promoted to Major and becoming a Starmon. (KrytenKoro)



- NA -

- NA -


Evolves From
Chibickmon 7
Evolves To

Starmon (Xros Wars) 1

Shoutmon + Star Sword (w/ Shoutmon and Starmon (Xros Wars)) 6
Shoutmon X4 (w/ Shoutmon, Ballistamon, Dorulumon, and Starmon (Xros Wars)) 10
Shoutmon X4B (w/ Shoutmon, Ballistamon, Dorulumon, Starmon (Xros Wars), and Beelzemon (Xros Wars)) 5
Shoutmon X4B (w/ Shoutmon X2, Dorulumon, Beelzemon (Xros Wars), and Starmon (Xros Wars)) 8
Shoutmon X4K (w/ Shoutmon, Ballistamon, Dorulumon, Starmon (Xros Wars), Knightmon, and PawnChessmon (White)) 4
Shoutmon X5 (w/ Shoutmon, Ballistamon, Dorulumon, Starmon (Xros Wars), and Sparrowmon) 3
Shoutmon X5B (w/ Shoutmon, Ballistamon, Dorulumon, Starmon (Xros Wars), Beelzemon (Xros Wars), and Sparrowmon) 2

Evolves From (Anime)

- NA -

Evolves To (Anime)

Shoutmon + Star Sword (w/ Shoutmon and Starmon (Xros Wars)) 6
Shoutmon X4 (w/ Shoutmon, Ballistamon, Dorulumon, and Starmon (Xros Wars)) 9
Shoutmon X4B (w/ Shoutmon, Ballistamon, Dorulumon, Starmon (Xros Wars), and Beelzemon (Xros Wars)) 5
Shoutmon X4B (w/ Shoutmon X2, Dorulumon, Beelzemon (Xros Wars), and Starmon (Xros Wars)) 8
Shoutmon X4K (w/ Shoutmon, Ballistamon, Dorulumon, Starmon (Xros Wars), Knightmon, and PawnChessmon (White)) 4
Shoutmon X5 (w/ Shoutmon, Ballistamon, Dorulumon, Starmon (Xros Wars), and Sparrowmon) 3
Shoutmon X5B (w/ Shoutmon, Ballistamon, Dorulumon, Starmon (Xros Wars), Beelzemon (Xros Wars), and Sparrowmon) 2

Name Origin

US Name - NA -


- NA -
Japanese Name Pickmon
Etymology English. Pick, as in a guitar pick.


Citations Notes

1 Digimon Dictionary
2 Season 6 : Episode 29
3 Season 6 : Episode 22
4 Season 6 : Episode 11
5 Season 6 : Episode 16
6 Season 6 : Episode 1
7 Digimon Dictionary (Chibickmon)
8 Season 6 : Episode 18
9 Season 6 : Episode 12
10 3-027



- Toei picture 1 was created by Shadowman, 2 was created by Wikimon
- Bandai picture was created by Bandai
- LCD picture 1 was created by NH, 2-3 was created by Garmmon


General Information First Appearances
Level Attribute Type
? ? ?
Début Card Début Anime Début
Digimon Xros Arena - None - - NA -
Image Gallery

Fan-Made Toei

- NA -


Fan-Made LCD

- NA -


- Bandai picture was created by Digimon Wiki


General Information First Appearances
Level Attribute Type
? ? ?
Début Card Début Anime Début
Season 6 - None - S6 : Episode 1
Image Gallery




- NA -

Fan-Made LCD

- NA -


- Toei picture 1 was created by Wikimon, 2 was created by Shadowman


General Information First Appearances
Level Attribute Type
? ? ?
Début Card Début Anime Début
Season 6 D1-11 S6 : Episode 1
Image Gallery



- NA -

Fan-Made LCD

- NA -


- Toei picture was created by Wikimon

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