General Information |
First Appearances |
Ultimate 1 |
Virus 1 |
Beast Man 1 |
Début |
Card Début |
Anime Début |
Toei Picture |
Bandai Picture / Available
Picture |
Fields |
US Attacks |
Japanese Attacks |
Helter Skelter 4
Vampire Jewel 4 |
Helter Skelter
Vampire Dance 1 |
Profile |
Weapons / Shields |
Subspecies |
Digimon Dictionary
Beast Man type Digimon said to be modeled after the
Goddess of Cats. It is able to entice the enemy through
the sexy personality it possess, and with its dazzling,
shining pupils and demon jewelry decorated on its body,
it is able to manipulate the opponent through its
heart's desire. It mostly becomes a prisoner under
Persiamon's charm and is soon eviscerated. Its outer
form is powerful, and as well as being perfect in
agility via its delicate movements, it can use the
extremely sharp talons on both hands to tear through
rock. It is said to be the mortal rival of the Goddess
of Light, Nefertimon.
Its special attacks are "Vampire
Dance", which entices the enemy with a belly dance
before sucking their blood, and "Helter Skelter", which
physically manipulates its opponents' bodies through a
curse whilst dancing. (Wildermon)
Super XW
Digimon Story Super Xros Wars
Not available yet
ネコの めがみと いわれる じゅうじんがた デジモン
ハデずきで ずるがしこい せいかくを もち 体じゅうに
まとった ほうせきと あやしいひとみで あいてを
おもいどおりに あやつるのが とくい
しなやかな うごきで すばやくうごくが みためにはんして
ちからもあり りょうての ツメは いわをも きりさく
Toei Xros Wars Website
A cat-like, fickle, princess Digimon!
A Beast Man Digimon that is called the goddess of cats.
It loves to be showy and has a sly personality, and its
specialty is using its charmingly sparkling eyes and the
jewels worn all over its body to bewitch the opponent,
allowing it to pull their strings as it desires. Its
Special Moves are its "Helter Skelter", in which it
beguiles the opponent with the bewitching charms of its
belly dance, and its "Vampire Dance", in which it gets
close to the opponent while dancing, then sucks out all
the blood in their body, down to the last drop. (KrytenKoro)
Digimon V-Tamer Residence
A Beast Man Digimon known as the Goddess of Cats. It likes to play
tricks and loves flashy things, and it can control the opponent with the
glare from its eyes and the jewels worn on its body. Its greatest rival
is "Nefertimon",
the incarnation of light. (Wildermon)