General Information |
First Appearances |
Rookie 2 Note-1
Champion 1 |
Vaccine 1
Free 2 |
Holy Beast 1 |
Début |
Card Début |
Anime Début |
Version Sega Saturn |
Bo-15 |
S1 : Episode 27 |
Toei Picture |
Bandai Picture
/ Available
Picture |
Digimon Adventure
Digimon Zero Two
Digimon Adventure
Digimon Zero Two
Family (Families) |
US Attacks |
Japanese Attacks |
Cat Punch 15
/ Lightning Paw 9 /
Lightning Claw 20
Lightning Kick 9
Cat's Eyes 9 /
Feline's Eye
15 /
Cat's Eye Hypnotism 20
Cat Laser 15 / Catastrophe
Cat Tail 15
Tail Trip 35
Mega Kick 35 |
Sharp Claws 23 /
Claw Attack 24
/ Razor Claws 21
Holy Shot 25 /
Horn Blaster
26 /
Aerial Attack 21 / Ethereal
Attack 27
Raging Light 23
Light Coat 23
Starlight 23
Heaven Knuckle 23
Hand of Fate
29 / Hand of Destiny
30 |
Neko Punch (Cat Punch)
Neko Kick (Cat Kick) 10
Cat's Eye 1
Cat Laser 14
Cat Tail 12
Nekodamashi (Cat Trick)
DVR - No Other Source
Kuuchuu Hikkaki (Aerial Scratch)
DVR - No Other Source
One Two Neko Punch > Neko Rush > Neko Finish
DVR - No Other Source
Zutsuki (Headbutt)
DVR - No Other Source
Tail Tip 36
Mega Kick 36 |
Surudoi Tsume (Sharp Claws) 22
Holy Shot 22
Rage of Light
Robe of Light
Heaven’s Knuckle
28 |
Profile |
Variations |
Subspecies |
Digimon Dictionary
This lover of pranks has a very strong sense of curiosity. Although its
body is small, it is a precious Holy type Digimon, and its appearance
does not match the true strength it possesses. A Holy Ring is attached
to its tail that serves as proof of its holy lineage, but if the Holy
Ring comes off, it will be powered down and thus won't be able to exert
its true power. It protects herself with long claws that it copied from
the data of a
SaberLeomon. Its
special attacks are "Neko Punch", which attacks enemies with its long
claws, and "Cat's Eye", which manipulates the opponent with a strong
glint of its eyes. Those who it leers at will attack themselves. (Wildermon)
Digimon Accelerator - Nature
Its curiosity is mischief-loving and full of vitality.
Its body is small, but it is a Digimon of valuable, holy
lineage, and has an efficiency that does not match its
appearance. It has attached a Holy Ring, which is a
symbol of its holy lineage, to its tail, but when that
Holy Ring becomes detached, it powers down and becomes
unable to use its natural powers. To protect its body,
it wears long claws that are copied from the data of
SaberLeomon. For
its special technique Neko Punch, it attacks its
opponent using its long claws. (Grímúlfr)
Digimon Pendulum Version ZERO Virus Buster
Not available yet
Ver. SS
Digimon Version Sega Saturn
A naughty Digimon with a strong sense of curiosity. It has a small
body, but it is a valuable Digimon in that it is the source of those
Digimon that are of a sacred lineage. Its special attacks are "Neko
Punch" and "Cat's Eye". (Wildermon)
Digimon Championship
A curious Holy Beast Digimon. It is small but protects
itself with its claws copied from
SaberLeomon. It
lacks power but excels in speed. (This profile is from North American release of Digimon
Championship) (Garmmon)
Not available yet
Story M/S
Digimon Story Moonlight / Sunburst
A Digimon which looks like a small cat. The holy ring
attached to its tail is the mark of a Holy Digimon. But,
if it's taken, it loses power. It copied
claws and wore them. It can armor digivolve with a
Digi-Egg. (This profile is from North American release of Digimon Story Moonlight / Sunburst) (Garmmon)
ちいさなネコに にた すがたのデジモン
シッポのホーリーリングは 聖なるデジモンのあかしで
はずれると ほんらいのパワーが はっきできない
みを まもるために サーベルレオモンの
データを コピーしたツメを つけている
『デジメンタル』によって 『アーマー進化』ができる
Battle Chronicle
Digimon Battle Chronicle
Although its body is small, it is
truly a Champion level Digimon. While it might look cute, it has a very
mature personality and possesses great power. Its gloves, which have
long claws attached to them, are copied from
data. (Garmmon)
Digimon V-Tamer Residence
A Holy Beast Digimon with an excellent sense of mischief. In spite of
its appearance, it bears a dreadful amount of power. This precious
Digimon wears a "Holy Ring", the source of the sacred lineage of Digimon
and which testifies that it is a sacred Digimon of that lineage. But,
when it comes off, it won't be able to unleash its power. It protects
its body by attaching long claws that it copied from the data of a
SaberLeomon. In
addition, it's said that Gatomon was once a Mouse-type Digimon that was
so attracted by the lifestyle of cats that she started to imitate them. (Wildermon)