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Digi-Dex / Lilithmon

Lilithmon : The Lilith Monster

General Information First Appearances
Level Attribute Type
Mega 1 Virus 1 Demon Lord 1
Début Card Début Anime Début
DPen 2 Ver. 2 Bo-943 S6 : Episode 3
Toei Picture Bandai Picture / Available Picture


Family (Families)

US Attacks Japanese Attacks

Common Attacks

Phantom Pain 5
Razor Nails 5

Darkness Love
Evil Sigh

Misc. Attacks

Dark Savior 8
Demon Claw 8
Dark Magic Square 8
Demon Blast 8

Common Attacks

Phantom Pain 1
Nazar Nail
Darkness Love 4
Evil Sigh 6

Misc. Attacks

Dark Helping Hand 9
Demon Nail 9
Dark Pentagram 9
Demon Blast 9



Variations Subspecies


Digimon Dictionary


One of the "Seven Great Demon Lords", it is a Demon Lord Digimon which has the appearance of a woman. It is thought that it was originally the same kind of Digimon as Ophanimon, but it fell from heaven and eventually became known as the "Goddess of Darkness". It confounds its opponents with its bewitchingly lovely appearance, and it is said that those who are taken in by its temptations are invariably granted death. Its reputation as the "Goddess of Darkness" is appropriate, as it is tolerant in regards to wickedness, but offers only cold-hearted inhumanity in regards to goodness. The demonic "Nazar Nail" on its right arm corrodes everything it touches. Its Special Move is rotting the opponent's body with a sigh of darkness (Phantom Pain). It is said that when you receive this curse your data dissipates from the tips of your body, and dying you suffer from that pain. (KrytenKoro)


女性の姿をした魔王型デジモンで“七大魔王”デジモンの一体でもある。元々はオファニモンと同種族だったと考えられており、堕天して “暗黒の女神”と呼ばれるようになった。妖しくも美しい容姿で相手を惑わし、その誘いに乗ったものは必ず死が与えられるといわれる。“暗黒の女神”の名に相応しく、悪に対しては寛大であるが善に対しては冷酷非道の施しをする。右腕の魔爪「ナザルネイル」は触れるもの全てを腐食させる。必殺技は暗黒の吐息で相手の体を蝕む『ファントムペイン』。この呪い受けると体の末端からデータが消失し、死してなお、その痛みに苦しむといわれている。

Super XW

Digimon Story Super Xros Wars


Not available yet


じょせいの すがたをした まおうがたデジモン
あやしく うつくしい ようしで あいてを まどわす
軍だんを ひきいるさいは しっぱいした ぶかを
ようしゃなく きりすてる ざんにんな めんをだす

Story M/S

Digimon Story Moonlight / Sunburst


A lustful Digimon in the shape of a woman. It lures its enemies with its mysterious beauty and leads them to their demise. (This profile is from North American release of Digimon Story Moonlight / Sunburst) (Garmmon)


しっこくに そのみをつつんだ
じょせいの すがたの まおうがたデジモン
『あんこくのめがみ』の いみょうをもち
その あやしくも うつくしいようしで
あいてをまどわし しにいたらしめる


Toei Xros Wars Website


One of the "Seven Great Demon Lords". It is thought that it was originally the same kind of Digimon as Ophanimon, but it fell from heaven and eventually became known as the "Goddess of Darkness". It confounds its opponents with its bewitchingly lovely appearance, and it is said that those who are taken in by its temptations are invariably granted death. Its reputation as the "Goddess of Darkness" is appropriate, as it offers generosity towards vice, but only cruel outrages towards virtue. The demonic "Nazar Nail" on its right arm corrodes everything it touches. Its Special Move is rotting the opponent's body with a sigh of darkness (Phantom Pain). It is said that when you receive this curse your data dissipates from the tips of your body, and you suffer from that pain as you die. (KrytenKoro)


“七大魔王”デジモンの一体。元々はオファニモンと同種族だったと考えられており、堕天して “暗黒の女神”と呼ばれるようになった。妖しくも美しい容姿で相手を惑わし、その誘いに乗ったものは必ず死が与えられるといわれる。“暗黒の女神”の名に相応しく、悪に対しては寛大であるが善に対しては冷酷非道の施しをする。右腕の魔爪「ナザルネイル」は触れるもの全てを腐食させる。必殺技は暗黒の吐息で相手の体を蝕む『ファントムペイン』。この呪い受けると体の末端からデータが消失し、死してなお、その痛みに苦しむといわれている。


Digimon V-Tamer Residence


A Demon Lord Digimon who is known as the "Goddess of Darkness". It is also a member of the group known as the "Seven Great Demon Lords". It was originally the same kind of upper-classed Angel Digimon as Ophanimon, but it fell to the Dark Area and became Lilithmon. It offers generosity towards those who are evil and cruel outrages towards those who are good. The gold nail on its right hand known as the "Nazar Nail" corrodes everything it touches, and it's said that those who are enticed by Lilithmon's temptations are invariably granted death. (Wildermon)



- NA -

- NA -


Evolves From

LadyDevimon 1


Angewomon 10
Antylamon 10
Arukenimon 2
Digitamamon 3
Lilamon 4
Lillymon 3
MagnaAngemon 10
NeoDevimon 10
Persiamon 2
Zephyrmon 7

Jogress Evolution
Blossomon (w/ MarineDevimon) 9

Slide Evolution
Ophanimon 1

Evolves To
- None -
Evolves From (Anime)

- NA -

Evolves To (Anime)
- None -

Name Origin

US Name / Lilithmon 5

Origin / Hebrew. Lilith was Adam's wife before Eve. She slept with the Devil and she herself became a demon.

Japanese Name / Lilithmon
Origin / Hebrew. Lilith was Adam's wife before Eve. She slept with the Devil and she herself became a demon.



1 Bo-943
2 Bo-1002
3 Bo-1135
4 DM-206
5 Digimon World Data Squad
6 Digimon Savers Another Mission
7 DM02-111
8 Digimon World Dusk / Dawn
9 Digimon Story Moonlight / Sunburst
10 DPen 2 Ver. 2

Note-1 Over time Lilithmon's clothing has been drawn differently. Click here to see a slight change in her appearance.


- Toei picture was created by Wikimon
Bandai picture 1 was created by Bandai, 2 was created by Shadowman
- LCD picture was created by Angel-Kun


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