General Information |
First Appearances |
Mega 1 |
Vaccine 1 |
Ancient 1 |
Début |
Card Début |
Anime Début |
Booster 3 |
Bo-146 |
S3 : Episode 26 |
Toei Picture |
Bandai Picture / Available
Picture |
Fields |
US Attacks |
Japanese Attacks |
Empress Haze 2
/ Embrace Haze 6
Dark Broom 6 |
Charge 8 / Body Attack
10 / Tackle
10 / Slamming Attack
Scholastic Book 8
Cursed Breath 8
Warning of Light 4
Light Wave 4
Purification 4
Electro Whipping 4 |
Empress Haze
Tri Banish 1 |
Tai Atari (Body Blow) 9
Ring of Light 5
Wave of Content 5
Jouka no Hikari (Purifying Light) 5
Electro Whip 5 |
Profile |
Weapons / Shields |
Subspecies |
Digimon Dictionary
Not available yet
Not available yet
Story M/S
Digimon Story Moonlight / Sunburst
It is said that this Digimon was a Rosemon
until a curse was put on it. No one really knows for sure. A swing from
the broom it holds erases viruses. (This profile is from North American release of Digimon Story Moonlight / Sunburst) (Garmmon)
おばあさんの すがたの エンシェントがたデジモン
ロゼモンが わるいやつに ノロイを かけられて
このすがたになったと ささやかれているが
じっさいのところは だれにもわからない
みぎてにもつ まほうのほうきを ひとふりすると
わるい ウィルスを いっきに けしてしまえる
Digimon V-Tamer Residence
An Ancient Digimon in the form of a woman with a broom in its right
hand. It's said to be the result of a Rosemon
that was inflicted with a curse that spread inside it. However, you
can't make light of its powers. (Wildermon)
Not available yet