General Information |
First Appearances |
Rookie 1 |
Vaccine 1
Data 2 |
Beast 1 |
Début |
Card Début |
Anime Début |
Toei Picture |
Bandai Picture
/ Available
Picture |
Family (Families) |
US Attacks |
Japanese Attacks |
Metal Canon
Dash Metal 4
Hyper Dash Metal 4
Metal Shot 4
Dyno Tooth 6 |
Sharp Claws 15 / Claw Attack 16 / Razor Claws 11
Pepper Breath 11 / Pepper Fire 17
Light Tackle 13
Tiny Metal 13
Raging Beast 13
Beast Coat 13
Beast Attack 13
Small Cutter 40
? |
Metal Canon
Dash Metal 1
Hyper Dash Metal 5
Metal Shot 5
Dino Tooth 7 |
Surudoi Tsume (Sharp Claws) 12
Baby Flame 12
Light Tackle 14
Petit Metal 14
Rage of Beasts 14
Beast Robe 14
Beast Attack 14
Petit Cutter 41
Touki no Iki (Breath of Fighting Spirit)
42 |
Profile |
Variations |
Subspecies |
Digimon Dictionary
Due to having an old style interface on its forehead, this Beast type Digimon
is guessed to be an experimental Prototype Digimon from before Digimon were
discovered. Originally, the personality of a battle species Digimon had
materialized particularly strongly, so its fighting instincts were high and it
would snap and howl at anything, but it seems that it was tamed by someone
once bit. During an experiment, data was said to be hidden in the deepest part
of its Digi-Core that was the strong life force of a living dragon of legend, so
it is said that it holds the potential to grow into a powerful Digimon. For its
special technique "Metal Cannon", it fires an iron ball from its mouth.
Triumphant Skill: Standing still, building its energy, and firing is its power,
but with "Dash Metal", it can fire iron balls while dashing too. (Wildermon)
Story M/S
Digimon Story Moonlight / Sunburst
The old-type "interface" on its forehead leads some to believe it is a
prototype dating from before Digimon were discovered. It has strong fighting
instincts and bites anything, and then familiarizes itself with it. It has
the potential to be a great Digimon. (This profile is from North American release of Digimon Story Moonlight / Sunburst) (Garmmon)
ひたいに きゅうした『インターフェイス』を もつため
デジモンが はっけんさせるいぜんの
『プロトタイプデジモン』ではないかと いわれている
ようそうほんのうがつよく なんにでも よくかみつくが
いちど かみついたものには なれしたしむらしい
きょうだいなデジモンになる かのうせいを ひめている
Digimon V-Tamer Residence
A prototype Digimon made as a corpus vile before Digimon were even
discovered. It seems that it is the first experimental prototype of the
"DORU Series" who sought to "evolve further". That's why an old
interface has been added to its forehead. The strong vitality data of
the legendary "Dragon" beast has been incised on the most deepest parts
of its "Digi-Core", and since this Digimon's natural combative instinct
is possibly on the same wavelength as those Digimon that form the
"Combat Species" during their evolution stage, it has a personality akin
to a hooligan. (Wildermon)