Digi-Dex /
ToyAgumon :
The Toy Flat Nosed Monster |
General Information |
First Appearances |
Début |
Card Début |
Anime Début |
DPen Ver. 5 |
Bo-110 |
S4 : Episode 7 |
Toei Picture |
Bandai Picture
/ Available
Picture |
Family (Families) |
US Attacks |
Japanese Attacks |
Plastic Flame / Toy Flame
Block Punch
Mullion Punch / Marion Punch
Fantasy Star / Fancy Star |
Toy Flame
Block Punch
Marion Punch
Fancy Star |
Additional Information |
Variations |
Subspecies |
A special Digimon whose entire body is made up of
special plastic bricks. A very pretty sight to behold,
he took on his
Agumon-like appearance and
personality when he was created by a child on the
Internet. He is different from the courageous
Agumon in that he is
actually quite timid: when someone or something
surprises him, the bricks that make up his body falls
apart. Despite this, he has the mind and heart of a
brave warrior and never gives up or surrenders to the
evil-hearted. Out of battle, he enjoys to communicate
with children through the net, as he enjoys being
appreciated by them. His special attack is "Toy Flame",
which transfers flame-shaped toy missiles. Despite its
simplistic appearance, this attack is quite strong. |
Evolution |
Wanyamon |
Deltamon, Devimon,
Greymon, Guardromon,
Deputymon, Gatomon,
Tankmon, Thunderballmon,
Doggymon, Trailmon (Ball),
Starmon, Reptiledramon,
Greymon (X),
Leomon, Sunflowmon,
Gaogamon, Numemon,
Aquilamon, Mekanorimon,
Frigimon, Mojyamon,
Wizardmon, Meramon
Jogress Evolution
(w/ Monodramon) Slide
ClearAgumon |
- NA - |
- NA - |
Name Origins |
Japanese Name / ToyAgumon |
Origin / English and
Japanese. Toy. Agu is short for agurabana, which means a wide, flat nose. Agu might
also be short for aguagu, the sound of biting. |
Origin / English and
Japanese. Toy. Agu is short for agurabana, which means a wide, flat nose. Agu might
also be short for aguagu, the sound of biting. |
Toei picture was created by Toei
Bandai picture was created by Bandai
LCD picture was created by the
* Name meaning provided by Grace Anderson, aka Megchan. |