Digi-Dex /
Dexmon :
The Death-X Monster |
General Information |
First Appearances |
Mega 1 |
Virus 1 |
Undead 1
Unknown 3 |
Début |
Card Début |
Anime Début |
Toei Picture |
Bandai Picture
/ Available
Picture |
- NA - |

Family (Families) |
US Attacks |
Japanese Attacks |
Profile |
Variations |
Subspecies |
Digimon Dictionary
creature without substance, this living program that has
appeared temporarily isn't classed as a Digimon because
it doesn't have a Digi-Core. It uses "Process 0" and
"Process F" to detect other Digi-Cores, resolve them
into binary data and absorb them into its body; these
processes are vital for it to live again, allowing it to
repeat them throughout all eternity. It's thought that
it can be defeated, but many need to take into
consideration that it's a simple program living within
an impossible area. As long as there are Digi-Cores
nearby, it can continue to function, but if there aren't
any Digi-Cores, it deactivates itself. (Wildermon)
Digimon V-Tamer Residence
The life data of
DORUmon was extracted from
body, and it became Dexmon. Because it doesn't have a
"Digi-Core", this program that lacks substance shouldn't really be
classified as a Digimon at all, and it has only borrowed the form of a
Digimon to use as a physical form. It detects a "Digi-Core", absorbs it,
resolves it and erases it so that it can never be reconstituted. It can
continue to repeat this procedure perpetually. (Wildermon)
Evolution |
Warp Evolution
DORUmon 2
Name Origin |
Origin / English. De is short for Death. X is short for X-Evolution. |
Japanese Name / Death-Xmon |
Origin / English. Death. X is short for X-Evolution. |
References |
Credits |
Bandai picture 1 was created by Bandai, 2 was created by Vex_Srw
LCD picture was created by Eimon and DaDuke
* Name meaning provided by Grace Anderson, aka Megchan. |