General Information |
First Appearances |
Champion 1 |
Vaccine 1
Data 13 |
Beast Dragon 1 |
Début |
Card Début |
Anime Début |
Toei Picture |
Bandai Picture / Available
Picture |
- NA - |
Fields |
US Attacks |
Japanese Attacks |
Power Metal 3 / Fighting Spirit
Cannonball 18 |
Charge 5 / Body Attack
10 / Tackle
10 / Slamming Attack
Pepper Breath 5 / Pepper Fire
Sharp Fang 7
Middle Tackle 7
Sharp Claws 7 /
Claw Attack 25 / Razor Claws
Heavy Metal 7 |
Power Metal
1 |
Tai Atari (Body Blow) 4
Baby Flame 4
Sharp Fangs 6
Middle Tackle 6
Surudoi Tsume (Sharp Claws) 6
Heavy Metal 6 |
Profile |
Weapons / Shields |
Subspecies |
Digimon Dictionary
A Beast Dragon Digimon with the qualities of both beast and the
"Dragon", it bears such a degree of ferocity that many Digimon will run
away just from seeing its shadow. Although it will show this ferocity in
battle like a wild animal, because it bears the intellect of the Dragon,
it is usually very quiet. It's thought that it is the evolved form of a
species of "Prototype Digimon", as evidenced from the old-fashioned
interface on its forehead. Its special attack is "Power Metal", wherein
it emits a giant-sized iron ball from its mouth and shatters the enemy
with it. Its signature attack is "Cannonball", wherein it stops mid-way
through charging and conserves power before releasing it as an iron
ball. (Wildermon)
Digimon Accelerator - Ultimate
This heavy-weight class, ferocious beast-dragon type
Digimon has the disposition of a beast and a dragon, and
many Digimon run away when just seeing its shadow. Where
battle is concerned, it displays a ferocious nature like
that of a wild beast, but it also has the intelligence
of a dragon, so it is usually very docile. Since it has
an old-style interface on its forehead, it is guessed
that it is the evolution of a prototype Digimon. For its
special technique Power Metal, it fires a large iron
ball from its mouth and crushes the enemy. Triumphant
Skill: Standing still, building its energy, and firing
is its power, but with Cannon Ball, it can fire iron
balls while dashing too. (Grímúlfr)
Story M/S
Digimon Story Moonlight / Sunburst
A mere look at this fierce Digimon is enough to cause
most Digimon to flee. It fights ferociously, but has a
dragon's intelligence, so it is generally rather gentle. (This profile is from North American release of Digimon Story Moonlight / Sunburst) (Garmmon)
おおくの デジモンが かげをみただけで にげだすほどの
じゅうりょうきゅうの じゅうリュウがたデジモン
たたかいのときは ケモノのどうもうせいを
はっきする おそろしいそんざいだが
リュウのちせいも あわせもっているために
ふだんは ひじょうにおとなしい
Digimon V-Tamer Residence
A Beast Dragon Digimon with a ferocious personality that is so feared
by other Digimon that they will run away as soon as they see its shadow.
However, it'll only reveal its natural brutality when it's fighting and
DORUGamon remains quiet everyday, having embraced the high intelligence
of the "Dragon". It seems that it is one of the evolved forms of a
"prototype Digimon", as evidenced from the old interface on its
forehead. (Wildermon)