General Information |
First Appearances |
Ultimate 1 |
Vaccine 1 |
Holy Beast 1 |
Début |
Card Début |
Anime Début |
Toei Picture |
Bandai Picture / Available
Picture |
Fields |
US Attacks |
Japanese Attacks |
Sky Horn 12 / Hurricane
Blade 13 / Wind Cutter Sword
Speedy Strike 12 / Knowledge of Swift
Holy Wave 12 |
Holy Slash 13
Light Wave 13
Mind Reader 13
Fatal Cross 13
Charge 17 / Body Attack
19 / Tackle 19
/ Slamming Attack 19
Deleting Virus
24 / Virus-Free 17
Kofusatsu 20
/ Talisman of Light 21 / Fox Card
22 /
Lethal Cards 17
? |
Tenshouken (Hurricane
Gale Blade)
Jinsoku no Kokoroe
(Knowledge of the Swift) 1
Kaishin no Hadou (Wave of Reform) 3 |
Holy Slash 14
Wave of Content 14
Awakening 14
God Cross 14
Tai Atari (Body Blow) 18
Virus Delete 18
(Fox Seal Paper)
Power Shine 25
Mega Gain Speed 25
Shippuu Tenshou (Hurricane Gale)
Hikari no Iki (Light Breath) 26
Gain Speed 26 |
Profile |
Weapons / Shields |
Subspecies |
Digimon Dictionary
It's said that this Ultimate-leveled Holy Beast type
Digimon was born around the Genesis of the ancient
Digital World, and boasts of strength comparable to that
of a Mega. It dislikes fighting and it never cruelly
harms other beings, even though it is a Digimon with
great strength. Therefore, it's said that it has a
merciful nature that desires everything to live
peacefully in the Digital World, but it will sometimes
put aside that rule and kill those who think it useless
as punishment. Its special attacks are "Jinsoku no
Kokoroe", which creates a duplicate of itself to
distract the opponent, and "Shippuu Tenshouken", which
dives from the sky at a dash and slashes the enemy with
the horn on its head quickly. Moreover,
is able to create an aura by flapping his wings, and
fires out a "Kaishin no Hadou" that leads the enemy to a
life of holiness. (Wildermon)
Story M/S
Digimon Story Moonlight / Sunburst
An ancient Digimon that was born at the beginning of the Digital World.
It hates fighting and has a compassionate personality, but it shows no mercy
to those who cause trouble. (This profile is from North American release of Digimon Story Moonlight / Sunburst) (Garmmon)
デジタルワールドそうせいのころに 誕生した
こだいデジモンであると いわれており
完全体にして 究極体と ごかくのつよさを ほこると
いいつたえられている 聖じゅうがたデジモン
あらそいをきらう へいわで じひぶかい せいかくだが
あらそいをおこすものには きびしいせいさいを くだす
Digimon V-Tamer Residence
An ancient Holy Beast Digimon that runs through a sea of clouds whilst
draped in thunder. This Digimon was born during the Genesis of the
Digital World, and even though it has been classified as an
Ultimate-leveled being, it's been reported that his power is equivalent
to a Mega's. However, it loves all living things that inhabit the
Digital World, and because it is a merciful Digimon with a philanthropic
heart, seeing it unleashing its powerful amount of power is rare.
Although it hates fighting in the first place, it'll unmercifully come
down hard on those that continue to thoughtlessly kill others. (Wildermon)