General Information |
First Appearances |
Début |
Card Début |
Anime Début |
Toei Picture |
Bandai Picture
/ Available
Picture |

Family (Families) |
US Attacks |
Japanese Attacks |
Celestial Blade *
Spiral Raven Claw *
Blast Wing *
Raven King Sword / Bird King Sword *
Raven Claw
Shadow Pierce
Dark Tornado
Moushūgeki (Fierce Attack) |
Ama no Ohabari (Heavenly Tail and Wings Style)
Spiral Raven Claw
Blast Wing
Chououmaru (Raven King Sword)
Raven Claw
Shadow Pierce
Yami Tatsumaki (Dark Tornado)
Moushūgeki (Fierce Attack) |
Additional Information |
Variations |
Subspecies |
A Cyborg type Digimon whose wings are made out of
Chrome-Digizoid. At the Creation of the Digital World,
this "Silver Raven" was once a messenger of God Man
Digimon, but he angered one god unintentionally, hence
why one of his wings has been dyed black. Opponents are
truly afraid of Ravemon and his secretive behavior. He
uses his black wing to disguise himself in the shadows,
and uses his white wing to slash at the enemy. He can
appear from almost anywhere to kill off his enemy in a
single blow. His special attacks are "Blast Wing", which
extends his Silver wing, and uses it to slice the enemy,
and "Spiral Raven Claw", which spins and dashes towards
the enemy hitting the enemy with the sharp claw on his
left arm. The sword that he often carries with him is
called the Chououmaru (Raven King Sword), and in his
sword based
Ama no Ohabari (Heavenly Tail and Wings Style) attack,
he fires a beam of black lightning from his Chououmaru
that bears enormously destructive powers.
Peckmon's Ultimate. He evolved thanks to Sho's Burst Charge
and the Light Digisoul. (Megchan)
* Season 5 : Episode 37 (Dub) |