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DMA Version Final2
Digi-Dex / ShineGreymon

ShineGreymon : The Shinning Great Monster

General Information First Appearances
Level Attribute Type
Mega Vaccine Light Dragon
Début Card Début Anime Début
Digivice iC 10X Da-236 S5 : Episode 29
Toei Picture Bandai Picture / Available Picture


Family (Families)

US Attacks Japanese Attacks

Common Attacks

Glorious Burst
Shine Hammer
GeoGrey Sword
Corona Splash
Shining Blast *
Sparkle Shoot

Misc. Attacks


Common Attacks

Glorious Burst
Shine Hammer
GeoGrey Sword
Corona Splash
Shining Blast
Sparkle Shoot

Misc. Attacks



Profile / Additional Information

Variations Subspecies

A Light Dragon type Digimon that stores up and fights with scorching solar energy. His special attacks are "Shining Blast", which widens his huge wings and concentrates light energy to its extremity, then fires it at the opponent, and "Glorious Burst", which cuts down the enemy with his flaring wings. In addition, he has the ability to summon his "Geo Grey Sword" from the land and use it in the attack of the same name; the sword wields the condensed powers of the land.

* Season 5 : Episode 37

- NA -

BlackWarGreymon (X)
ShineGreymon Burst Mode
ShineGreymon Ruin Mode
WarGreymon (X)


Evolves From

Evolves To



MachGaogamon, Lilamon, Garbagemon, Whamon Ultimate, MetalGreymon, MagnaAngemon, Crescemon, WarGrowlmon, Crowmon, Mammothmon, MegaSeadramon, Chirinmon, Shawjamon, Wingdramon, Groundramon

Warp Evolution

ShineGreymon Burst Mode
ShineGreymon Ruin Mode



Jogress Evolution
ShineGreymon Burst Mode (w/ Gallantmon)
ShineGreymon Burst Mode (w/ Imperialdramon Fighter Mode)
ShineGreymon Ruin Mode (w/ Darkdramon)

Evolves From (Anime)

Evolves To (Anime)

RizeGreymon ShineGreymon Burst Mode
ShineGreymon Ruin Mode

Name Origins

US Name / ShineGreymon

Japanese Name / ShineGreymon

Origin / English. Shine. Grey is a misspelling for great. Origin / English. Shine. Grey is a misspelling for great.


- Toei picture was created by Shawn Ryder
- Bandai picture was created by Bandai
- LCD picture 1 was created by BT08, 2 was created by Lhikan634


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