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Digital Monsters Almanac / Digi-Dex

BlackWarGreymon : The Great Black Warrior Monster


General Information First Appearances
Level Attribute Type
Mega 1 Virus 1 Dragon Man 1
Début Card Début Anime Début
Starter 3 St-151 S2 : Episode 30
Toei Picture Bandai Picture / Available Picture



US Attacks Japanese Attacks

Common Attacks

Gaia Force 15 / Nova Force 33 / Terra Force 34 / Terra Destroyer 36
Dark Gaia Force 34 / Terra Destroyer 5
Dramon Destroyer / Doramon Killer
15 / Mega Claw 33 / Iron Claws 31 / Dramon Cutter 35 / Terra Destroyer 37
Black Tornado 39
Great Tornado 15
Doramon Fire 15
War Blaster 22
Ultra Tornado 22
Dragon Crusher 20

Misc. Attacks

Double Dramon Claw 7
Chaos Slash 7
Screw Dragon Claw 7
Mega Meteor Fall 7
Flame Breath 8
Dark Fear 8
Giga Fire 8
Black Dart 8
Fire Field 8
Straight Punch 25
Mega Flame 28 / Nova Blast 26 / Fiery Breath 25 / Mega Shot 27 / Nova Flame 29 / Flame Breath 32
Giga Blaster 25
Darkness Zone 25

Common Attacks

Gaia Force 1
Ankoku no Gaia Force (Dark Gaia Force) 11
Dramon Killer 1

Black Tornado 38
Great Tornado 2
Dramon Fire 16
War Blaster 9
Black Storm Tornado 9
Dramon Buster 19
Dramon Tackle 21
Kūchū Gaia Force (Aerial Gaia Force) 21

Misc. Attacks

Double Dragon Claw 6
Chaos Slash 6
Screw Dragon Claw 6
Mega Meteo Fall 6
Punch 10
Mega Flame 10

Giga Blaster 10
Darkness Zone 10



Weapons / Shields Subspecies


Digimon Dictionary


A Virus-attributed WarGreymon who is feared as the "Jet-Black Dragon Warrior". It is the true opposite of WarGreymon, a member of the "Virus Busters" who exists to serve under 'Justice', and thus has a warped creed and principles. This Digimon doesn't consider vulgar beings of the same Virus attribute its allies because it hates unfairness and the mean-hearted. It's a mystery as to how he became a Virus counterpart, and the Crest of Courage that was once carved onto the "Brave Shield" its back is equipped with has vanished. Its special attack of "Ankoku no Gaia Force" is virtually the same as WarGreymon's "Gaia Force", but with one large difference: it centralizes all the 'negative emotions' that exist in the world, then fires it at the enemy. (Wildermon)


“漆黒の竜戦士”として恐れられる、ウィルス種のウォーグレイモン。ウィルスバスターズのウォーグレイモンとは信条も主義も全て正反対であるが、彼なりの “正義”のために存在している。卑怯や卑劣なことを嫌い、同じウィルス種でも低俗なデジモンは仲間だとは思っていない。どういった経緯でウィルス化してしまったのかは謎で、背中に装備している“ブレイブシールド”には勇気の紋章が刻まれていない。必殺技はウォーグレイモンと同じ『ガイアフォース』だが、この世に存在する“負の念”を一点に集中させて放つ『暗黒のガイアフォース』である。


Digimon Championship


This greatly feared "Black Draconian Knight" hates cowards despite its dark side. It won't associate with unrefined Virus Digimon. (This profile is from North American release of Digimon Championship) (Garmmon)


Not available yet

Story M/S

Digimon Story Moonlight / Sunburst


This virus form of WarGreymon is greatly feared and called the "Black Knight". It hates cowards and sneaks and doesn't associate with vulgar Digimon, even if they are also viruses. (This profile is from North American release of Digimon Story Moonlight / Sunburst) (Garmmon)


ウィルスしゅとなった くろいすがたの ウォーグレイモン
ウォーグレイモンと しんじることや かんがえは
すべてはんたいだが じぶんなりの せいぎを もっている
ほこりたかい せんしで ひきょうなことを きらい
おなじウィルスしゅでも ずるいデジモンは
なかまだとは おもっていない

Battle Chronicle

Digimon Battle Chronicle


A Digimon that is feared as the Jet Black Dragon Knight. It is a mystery as to why it turned into a Virus. It hates cowardice, and will not think of vulgar Digimon as its comrades even if they are also of the Virus attribute. (Garmmon)




Digimon V-Tamer Residence


A Digimon feared by many as the "Jet-Black Dragon Warrior". It's unknown why it became a Virus-attributed being. The "Crest of Courage" engraved on the "Brave Shield" equipped on its back has disappeared. Its heart is stained with darkness and disfavors those that are unfair and vulgar, not forming an alliance with them even if they are of the same Virus attribute. (Wildermon)



Dramon Killers
Brave Shield

BlackWarGreymon (X)
ShineGreymon Burst Mode
ShineGreymon Ruin Mode
WarGreymon (X)


Evolves From
MetalGreymon (Virus) 1


BlackWarGrowlmon 14
Cyberdramon 11
Matadormon 4
MetalGreymon 10
MegaSeadramon 1
MetalTyrannomon 2
Mistymon 3
Myotismon 13
Phantomon 2
SkullGreymon 5
Vermilimon 6
WarGrowlmon 12

Jogress Evolution
BlackWarGrowlmon + Megadramon 6
Allomon + SkullGreymon 6

Warp Evolution
BlackAgumon 9
BlackGreymon 9

Evolves To

- None -


Jogress Evolution
Omnimon (w/ MetalGarurumon) 30
Omnimon (w/ SaberLeomon) 30

BlackWarGreymon (X) 17

Evolves From (Anime)

- NA -

Evolves To (Anime)

- None -

Name Origin

US Name BlackWarGreymon 33


English. Black. War. Grey is most likely a misspelling of grea, short for great.
Japanese Name BlackWarGreymon / WarGreymon Note-2
Etymology English. Black. War. Grey is most likely a misspelling of grea, short for great.


Citations Notes

1 St-151
2 St-297
3 Bo-1049
4 SPa-2
5 Season 2 : Episode 30 (Dub)
6 Digimon Story Moonlight / Sunburst
7 Digimon World Dusk / Dawn
8 Digimon World 3
9 Digimon Battle Chronicle
10 Digimon Story
11 Digimon Championship
12 DM-81

13 DM-140
14 DM02-98
15 Digimon World Data Squad
16 Digimon Savers Another Mission
17 Digimon who have the X Antibody within them evolve to their X versions (DPen X back-story)
18 DM-101 (Dub) (Shared attack used by WarGreymon)
19 Digimon Tamers Battle Evolution
20 Rumble Arena 1
21 Digimon Tamers Battle Spirit
22 Rumble Arena 2
23 Bo-229 (Dub)
24 Digimon Digital Card Battle (Shared attack used by WarGreymon)
25 Digimon World DS
26 St-2 (Dub) (Shared attacked used by Greymon)
27 Digimon World Data Squad (Shared attack used by GeoGreymon)
28 Digimon World 1 (Shared attack used by Greymon)
29 Movie 1 (Dub) (Shared attacked used by Greymon)
30 D-Project
31 Digimon World Championship
Digimon World Data Squad (Shared attack used by Greymon)
33 Bo-229 (Dub)
34 Digimon World DS (Shared attack used by WarGreymon)
35 Digimon Digital Card Battle (Shared attack used by WarGreymon)
36 Season 2 : Episode 32 (Dub) Note-1
37 Season 2 : Episode 34 (Dub)
38 Season 2 : Episode 35
39 Season 2 : Episode 35 (Dub)

Note-1 In the dubbed version of Digimon Season 2 Episode 32, BlackWarGreymon uses announces an attack before killing Knightmon, 'Mega Destroyer'. No attack is announced in the original.

Note-2 This Digimon was first released in Starter 3 of the Digital Monsters Card Game Hyper Colosseum where it was named 'WarGreymon'. It later appeared in D3 Ver. 1 and Digimon Zero Two as BlackWarGreymon. The cards continued calling it 'WarGreymon'. but all games would call it BlackWarGreymon. BlackWarGreymon would not get its own card until SPa-2 and has since been referred to as BlackWarGreymon in all media.


- Toei picture 1 was created by Toei, 2 was created by Angel-Kun
- Bandai picture was created by Bandai
- LCD picture 1 was created by File Island, 2 was created by the DVR site
* Name meaning provided by Grace Anderson, aka Megchan.

Red Armor

General Information First Appearances
Level Attribute Type
Mega Virus Dragon Man
Début Card Début Anime Début
Battle Evolution - None - - NA -
Image Gallery


Fan-Made Toei

Fan-Made Bandai

Fan-Made LCD


- Source created by ZeroXm7
Toei picture 1 was created by ZeroXm7, 2 was created by Angel-Kun
- Bandai picture was created by Garmmon
- LCD picture was created by the DVR site


General Information First Appearances
Level Attribute Type
Mega Vaccine Dragon Man
Début Card Début Anime Début
D-Project - None - - NA -
Image Gallery


Fan-Made Toei

Fan-Made Bandai

Fan-Made LCD


- Source created by ZeroXm7
Toei picture was created by ZeroXm7
- Bandai picture was created by Garmmon
- LCD picture was created by ZeroXm7


General Information First Appearances
Level Attribute Type
Mega Data Dragon Man
Début Card Début Anime Début
D-Project - None - - NA -
Image Gallery


Fan-Made Toei

Fan-Made Bandai

Fan-Made LCD


- Source created by ZeroXm7
Toei picture was created by ZeroXm7
- Bandai picture was created by Garmmon
- LCD picture was created by ZeroXm7

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