Digi-Dex /
NiseAgumon Hakase
NiseAgumon Hakase :
The Fake Flat Nosed Professor Monster |
General Information |
First Appearances |
Rookie 1 |
Virus 1 |
Dinosaur 1 |
Début |
Card Début |
Anime Début |
V-Jump Note-1 |
- None - |
- NA - |
Toei Picture |
Bandai Picture
/ Available
Picture |
- NA - |
Family (Families) |
- NA - |
US Attacks |
Japanese Attacks |
Hakase Bou (Fake Professor Hat)
Hakase Bō (Fake Professor Rod)
1 |
Profile |
Variations |
Subspecies |
Digimon Dictionary
A genius Agumon that has a doctorate
in Digital Monster studies from Digital World
University. It is said that its title is plagiarized
Agumon Hakase. It is as not as knowledgeable about
Digimon types and territories as
Agumon Hakase, and
instead it rather unscrupulously spreads lies, so
caution is necessary. However, as only its feelings of
rivalry for
Agumon Hakase are genuine, it is diligent in
not leaving any research ideas, to inconvenience
Agumon Hakase. Its Special Moves are to try to
enchant itself with cleverness through its hat Nise
Hakase Bou, and try to persuade the opponent with its
rod Nise Hakase Bō. It's "Nise" from top to
bottom. (Wildermon)
Evolution |
Name Origin |
Japanese Name / NiseAgumon Hakase |
Origin /
Japanese. Nise means fake. Agu is short for agurabana, which means a wide, flat nose. Agu might
also be short for aguagu, the sound of biting. Hakase means professor. |
References |
Note-1 NiseAgumon
Hakase first appeared in an issue of V-Jump. It was
described as the rival of
Agumon Hakase. NiseAgumon
Hakase was formally introduced by Bandai in the
Digimon Dictionary. |
Credits |
Bandai picture was created by Bandai
- LCD picture 1 was created
by Lhikan634, 2 was created by Lhikan634
* Name meaning provided by Grace Anderson, aka Megchan. |