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DMA Version Final2
Digi-Dex / Monochromon

Monochromon : The Monochromatic Monoclonius Monster

General Information First Appearances
Level Attribute Type
Champion Data Armored Dragon
Début Card Début Anime Début
DM Ver. 4 Bo-12 S1 : Episode 3
Toei Picture Bandai Picture / Available Picture


Family (Families)

US Attacks Japanese Attacks

Common Attacks

Volcanic Strike
Charge / Body Attack / Tackle / Slamming Attack

Misc. Attacks


Common Attacks

Volcano Strike
Tai Atari (Body Blow)
Grand Fire
Guardy Dusk

Misc. Attacks



Profile / Additional Information

Variations Subspecies

An Armor Dragon ( alternate translation: Ankylosaur )  type Digimon with a rhinoceros-like horn growing from the tip of its nose. When fully grown, this huge horn will be roughly half the size of Monochromon's body. The horn is coated in a hard substance that makes it as hard as diamond, and it's said that nothing can penetrate the horn fully. Monochromon is a Digimon with an excellent balance of offense and defense. It is herbivorous and has a quiet nature, but once it gets angry,  fearful counterattacks are doled out powerfully, equivalent to that of a heavy tank. The special attack is "Volcano Strike", where he fires out strong fire bombs.

- NA -

Monochromon (X)


Evolves From

Evolves To



Agumon, Betamon, Biyomon, Bakumon, Commandramon, Crabmon, Elecmon, Gabumon, Guilmon, Terriermon, Mushroomon, SnowGoburimon, Penguinmon, Monodramon, Piximon, BlackAgumon, Armadillomon

Jogress Evolution
Gotsumon + Agumon (Savers)

Slide Evolution



AeroVeedramon, Garudamon, Megadramon, MetalGreymon (Virus), MetalMamemon, MetalTyrannomon, Piximon, ShogunGekomon, Vademon, Jagamon

Jogress Evolution
Angewomon (w/ Kabuterimon)
Andromon (w/ Tortomon)
Jagamon (w/ Kabuterimon)
MameTyramon (w/ Ebidramon)
MameTyramon (w/ Shellmon)
Piximon (w/ Starmon)
SkullGreymon (w/ Ebidramon)
Triceramon (w/ MoriShellmon)

Slide Evolution
Monochromon (X), Sukamon

Evolves From (Anime)

Evolves To (Anime)

Gotsumon - NA -

Name Origins

US Name / Monochromon

Japanese Name / Monochromon

Origin / English. Monochrome means all one color. Monochromon is mostly all shades of grey.

Greek. Monochro also comes from Monoclonius, which is a single horned dinosaur similar to a Triceratops.

Origin / English. Monochrome means all one color. Monochromon is mostly all shades of grey.

Greek. Monochro also comes from Monoclonius, which is a single horned dinosaur similar to a Triceratops.



- Toei picture was created by Toei
- Bandai picture 1 was created by Bandai, 2 was created by Shadowman
- LCD picture was created by the DVR site
* Name meaning provided by Grace Anderson, aka Megchan.


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