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DMA Version Final
+ Digimon Info / Digi-Dex / Pucchiemon
Pucchiemon : The Cupid Monster


Toei Picture General Information

- NA -

Level Attribute Type
Armor / Champion Vaccine Fairy

First Appearance

In Anything Cards Anime
D3 Ver. 1 Bo-323 Movie 7


Family (Families)


More Information Bandai Picture
US Attacks
Heavy Beam
Talon Arrow
Japanese Attacks
Heartner Beam
Love and Fire
Evolution According to the Anime

Digi-Volves From

Digi-Volves to

- NA -

- NA -

Profile / Additional Information

A Fairy type Digimon from which Wormmon, an ancient descendent, evolved with the Digi-Egg of Kindness. He likes secrets and having his head patted. However, he gets grumpy whenever his tail is touched. He sings when in a good mood. He has the power to harmonize his opponents. Green-colored Pucchiemon exist as well.


"My Evolution" and Evolution in the Cards / Games


Digi-Volves From

Digi-Volves to

Wormmon (Armor w/ or w/o Kindness)


Solarmon, Monodramon, PetitMamon, Chuumon



Phelesmon, Lillymon


USA Name / Pucchiemon / Bucchiemon

Japanese Name / Puttimon

Origin / Italian. Pucchie is a bad translation of putti, which are cupidlike children used in art, especially during the Renaissance*

Origin / Italian. Putti are cupidlike children used in art, especially during the Renaissance*

* Name meaning taken from Megchan's site


Pucchiemon : The Cupid Monster (Green)


Toei Picture General Information

- NA -

Level Attribute Type
Armor / Champion Data Fairy

First Appearance

In Anything Cards Anime
Booster 8 Bo-383 - NA  -


Family (Families)


More Information Bandai Picture
Evolution According to the Anime

Digi-Volves From

Digi-Volves to

- NA -

- NA -


Note: Re-Color / level changed Digimon aren't much different from the original, except for a few reasons. Re-Colors evolve to the next level re-color of the original Digimon. Agumon becomes to Greymon, so Agumon (Virus) becomes to Greymon (Virus). The other Digimon the original Agumon Digi-Volves to are also evolutions of the Agumon re-color. Agumon can also evolve to Leomon and so can Agumon (Virus), but I don't list Leomon or any other "other" evolutions in Agumon's (Virus) evolution list.


"My Evolution" and Evolution in the Cards / Games


Digi-Volves From

Digi-Volves to

Wormmon (Armor w/ or w/o Kindness)



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