General Information |
First Appearances |
Ultimate 1 |
Data 1 |
Fairy 1 |
Début |
Card Début |
Anime Début |
DPen Ver. 4.5 |
Bo-140 |
S1 : Episode 35 |
Toei Picture |
Bandai Picture
/ Available
Picture |

Family (Families) |
US Attacks |
Japanese Attacks |
Flower Cannon 6
Temptation 6
Fairy Vine 23 /
Vicious Vine 17
Flower Wreath 21
Flower Cutter 19
Sun Crescent Kick 19
Triple Jump 19
Sunburst Vine 19 |
Charge 7 / Body Attack
9 / Tackle
9 / Slamming Attack
Needle Spray 7
Stamen Rope 25
/ Savory Nectar 7
Double Blaster 5
Energy Shot 5
Rising Ray 5
Forbidden Temptation5 |
Flow' Cannon
Temptation 1
Fairy Vine 18
Hana no Kubikazari (Necklace of Flowers)
Flower Cutter 20
Sun-Crescent Kick 20
Triple Jump 20
Green Trap 20
Sunburst Vine 20 |
Tai Atari (Body Blow) 8
Chikuchiku Bang Bang (Prickly Bang Bang)
Sweet Scent 8
Double Blaster 4
Energy Shot 4
Rising Ray 4
Forbidden Temptation 4 |
Profile |
Variations |
Subspecies |
Digimon Dictionary
A beautiful Fairy Digimon who was born from blooming
petals. Although it resembles a human child in form, as
it's an Ultimate Digimon, it secretly bears an immense
amount of power. This tomboy has a fickle nature, but
it is said to open its heart to human girls of the same
age as it is. Also, it is a crybaby and is so rampant
when it starts to cry, a great deal of effort is needed
to tame its. However, it has a gentle aspect, and is
always reaching out for the small and weak. It can fly
with the four wings that grew from its back, and it's
said that after Lillymon flies by, a refreshing breeze
soon follows. Its special attack is "Flow' Cannon",
which sticks its arms out in front, transforms the
petals on its wrists into a muzzle, and fires out an
energy bullet. (Wildermon)
Digimon Pendulum Version 4.5 Wind Guardians
Not available yet
Digimon Championship
A Pixie Digimon born from a flower. It flies using its 4 wings and can
trail a nice breeze with them. It looks like a child, but it hides great
power. (This profile is from North American release of Digimon
Championship) (Garmmon)
Not available yet
Story M/S
Digimon Story Moonlight / Sunburst
A fairy Digimon that was born from a beautiful blooming flower. It may
look like a child, but it has unbelievable power. It has a tomboyish and
sulky personality but may bond with some girls. (This profile is from
North American release of Digimon Story Moonlight / Sunburst) (Garmmon)
はなから生まれた ようせいがたデジモン
そらをとぶと さわやかなかぜが
ふくと いわれている
きまぐれて オテンバだが ちいさいものや
よわいものには やさしく おなじきしつの
しょうじょには ココロをひらくと いわれている
Battle Chronicle
Digimon Battle Chronicle
A Fairy type Digimon born from a small
flower. Although its outer appearance looks like a human child, it
possesses strong power. It is said that when Lillymon flies in the sky,
a refreshing breeze will blow. (Garmmon)
Digimon V-Tamer Residence
A Fairy Digimon who was born from a small flower. It
seems to resemble a human child in appearance, but has a
mighty amount of power. It has a capricious personality
and can be both a tomboy and a crybaby at times, and
it's said that she'll open its heart to a child with the
same type of personality it sports. It's said that
after Lillymon flies through the air, a refreshing
breeze will blow. (Wildermon)