Digi-Dex /
Zhuqiaomon :
The Red Sparrow Monster |
General Information |
First Appearances |
Début |
Card Début |
Anime Début |
D3 Ver. 1 |
Bo-488 |
S3 : Episode 34 |
Toei Picture |
Bandai Picture
/ Available
Picture |

Family (Families) |
US Attacks |
Japanese Attacks |
Crimson Blaze / Kouen
/ Phoenix Fire
Purgatory Claws / Sonic
Desolation Blast |
(Crimson Blaze)
(Purgatory Claws)
Blazing Helix |
Additional Information |
Variations |
Subspecies |
He is one of the Four Holy Beasts who protect all parts
of the Digital World; he particularly protects the South
and manipulates red-hot blazing flame. He has continued
to dominate over the South since mythical times, giving
him a legendary existence and an extremely rare chance
for others to defeat him. Even ordinary Mega levels have
difficulties in defeating him, and his strength is at
the highest of all Digimon, and indeed all gods. Out of
the Four Holy Beasts, he has a violent temper, and all
who Zhuqiaomon consider to be insignificant get burned
as soon as they approach him. His special attack is
"Crimson Flame", which creates a whirlpool of flame,
which equals the solar flares emitted from the Sun.
デジタルワールドを しゅごする 4聖じゅうデジモンの
1体で あり
みなみを しゅごし しゃくねつの 火を あやつる
ほかの 4聖じゅうデジモンと おなじく でんせつの
そんざいである Lost |
Evolution |
Name Origins |
Japanese Name / Zhuqiaomon |
Origin / Chinese. It
comes from the characters meaning "red sparrow" which are pronounced as suzaku
in Japanese. |
Origin / Chinese. It
comes from the characters meaning "red sparrow" which are pronounced as suzaku
in Japanese. |
Toei picture was created by Toei
Bandai picture 1 was created by, 2 was created by Vex_Srw
LCD picture was created by the
* Name meaning provided by Grace Anderson, aka Megchan. |