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DMA Version Final2
Digi-Dex / Woodmon

Woodmon : The Wood Monster

General Information First Appearances
Level Attribute Type
Champion Virus Plant
Début Card Début Anime Début
DPen Ver. 4 Bo-86 S1 : Episode 46
Toei Picture Bandai Picture / Available Picture


Family (Families)

US Attacks Japanese Attacks

Common Attacks

Branch Bash * / Twig Tap
Woody Smasher / Woody Smash
Drain Buster
Leaf Slider

Misc. Attacks


Common Attacks

Branch Drain
Woody Smash
Leaf Slider

Misc. Attacks



Profile / Additional Information

Variations Subspecies

A Plant type Digimon which took on the form of a completely weakened large tree. Because he looks like an ordinary tree, he can easily ensnare and sap away at other unsuspecting Digimon's energy without too much hassle. He's able to move his wooden root-like feet so that he crawls slowly on the ground. If you make this fierce person angry, he won't be able to stop attacking you. His hard wooden trunk raises his defensive powers a little, but his greatest weakness is fire elemental Digimon like Meramon and Birdramon; he hates them so much, he considers them and fire in general as his greatest of enemies. His special attack is "Branch Drain", which stretches out his branch-like arms, stabs them into the enemy and sucks its energy dry.

* Season 4 : Episode 4 (Dub)

Woodmon (Green)

- NA -


Evolves From

Evolves To



Floramon, Elecmon, Hawkmon, Biyomon, DoKunemon, SnowGoburimon, Aruraumon, Palmon, Lalamon



Blossomon, Garbagemon, Argomon Ultimate, Pumpkinmon

Jogress Evolution
Deramon (w/ Diatrymon)
Deramon (w/ Veedramon)
Garbagemon (w/ Togemon)

Evolves From (Anime)

Evolves To (Anime)

Mushroomon Cherrymon

Name Origins

US Name / Woodmon

Japanese Name / Woodmon

Origin / English. Wood. Origin / English. Wood.


- Toei picture 1 was created by Toei, 2 was created by Seppi
- Bandai picture was created by Bandai
- LCD picture was created by the DVR site


Woodmon : The Wood Monster (Green)
General Information First Appearances
Level Attribute Type
Champion Virus Plant
Début Card Début Anime Début
Digimon World 3 - None - - NA -
Toei Picture Bandai Picture / Available Picture


Family (Families)

- NA -

Random Recolor Information

The Digimon you are viewing now is categorized as a Random Recolors. There is no information about their attribute or type, so I list them as having the same as their originals. These types of recolors can be seen in the card, anime, and in the video games. Sometimes these recolors are made intentionally to increase the number of Digimon in a video game, but because there is no information about their attribute, they are not considered  Special Recolors. Most of the time these recolors are created by accident, such as an artist mistake. Sometimes these recolors occur when the card game makes a card for a Digimon originally from a video game and for some reason changes the color scheme of the Digimon.



- Toei picture was created by ZeroXm7
- Bandai picture 1 was created by ZeroXm7, 2 was created by Garmmon
- LCD picture was created by an Unknown Artist


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