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Digi-Dex / SkullBaluchimon

SkullBaluchimon : The Skull Baluchitherium Monster

General Information First Appearances
Level Attribute Type
Ultimate 1 Data 1
Virus 2
Undead 1
Début Card Début Anime Début
Booster 21 Bx-47 - NA -
Toei Picture Bandai Picture / Available Picture

- NA -


Family (Families)

US Attacks Japanese Attacks

Common Attacks

Grave Bone 8

Misc. Attacks

Sharp Fang 8
Dark Claw 8
Poison Powder 8

Common Attacks

Grave Bone 1
Deadly Fear

Misc. Attacks

Sharp Fangs 9
Dark Nail 9
Poison Powder 9



Variations Subspecies


Digimon Dictionary


A huge Undead type Digimon born when some fake fossil data fused and multiplied with real fossil data, making it the biggest land animal. Because it has neither feelings nor intellect, it continues to bombard the enemy with attacks without pardon until it becomes impossible to retreat, and it is able to move its shiny body only through its internal nerve data. This Digimon will forever be a corpse due to the curse its data was inflicted upon, and it continues to survive through its cold, overflowing black Digi-Core, giving other Digimon deadly chills. Its special attacks are "Deadly Fire", which traps the enemy in a cold black space making it die eternally, and "Grave Bone", which corners the enemy before hugely crushing it with his feet, effectively burying the enemy. (Wildermon)




Digimon Story Lost Evolution


Not available yet


かせきデータが さいせいされた アンデッドがたデジモン
デジコアより あふれだす くろいれいきは どんな
デジモンをも しの きょうふに おとしいれる
「グレイブボーン」が ひっさつ技


Digimon V-Tamer Residence


An Undead Digimon whose red eyes are full of curses and grudges. It dug up several kinds of forged fossil data from the largest fossilized data in the land and attached them to its own body, reconstituting it. (Wildermon)



- NA -

- NA -


Evolves From



Allomon (X) 3
Gargoylemon 2
Ginryumon 4
Growlmon (X) 4
Mantaraymon (X) 3
Monochromon (X) 4
Musyamon 10
Youkomon 6

Jogress Evolution
Allomon (X) + Mantaraymon (X) 1

Evolves To

DinoTigermon 4


AncientSphinxmon 10
Belphemon Rage Mode 5
DinoRexmon 4
MedievalDukemon 4
Owryumon 4
SkullMammothmon (X) 7
UltimateBrachimon 4
Zanbamon 10

Jogress Evolution
DinoTigermon (w/ MameTyramon) 4

Evolves From (Anime)

- NA -

Evolves To (Anime)

- NA -

Name Origin

US Name / SkullBaluchimon 8

Origin / English and Arabic. Skull. Baluchi is short for baluchitherium, the largest mammal to ever exist and ancestor to today's rhinoceros. Baluchi comes from Baluchistan and therion means wild beast in Greek.

Japanese Name / SkullBaluchimon
Origin / English and Arabic. Skull. Baluchi is short for baluchitherium, the largest mammal to ever exist and ancestor to today's rhinoceros. Baluchi comes from Baluchistan and therion means wild beast in Greek.



1 Bx-47
2 Da-97
3 Da-489
4 DPen X Ver. 2
5 DM-213
6 Sx-49
7 Sx-56
8 Digimon World Dusk / Dawn
9 Digimon Story Moonlight / Sunburst
10 Digimon World Lost Evolution



- Bandai picture was created by Bandai
- LCD picture was created by Eimon and DaDuke


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