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DMA Version Final
+ Digimon Info / Digi-Dex / PlatinumSukamon
PlatinumSukamon : The Platinum Excrement Monster


Toei Picture General Information

Level Attribute Type
Champion Virus Mutant

First Appearance

In Anything Cards Anime
Digimon World 1 Bo-118 - NA -


Family (Families)


More Information Bandai Picture
US Attacks
Metal Bomber
Panic Wave
Japanese Attacks
Rare Metal Unchi (Rare Metal Poop)
Trance Mesmer
Unchi Slider (Poop Slider)
Metallic Guard
Evolution According to the Anime

Digi-Volves From

Digi-Volves to

- NA -

- NA -

Profile / Additional Information

A Sukamon that shines like platinum. He absorbed rare metallic data and became gorgeous to the touch. Even though his phylactic powers went up a little, he isn't strong enough.


"My Evolution" and Evolution in the Cards / Games


Digi-Volves From

Digi-Volves to



Tsukaimon, DoKunemon, PawnChessmon (Black), Hagurumon, Kotemon



MetalMamemon, Vademon

Jogress Evolution
Brachiomon (w/ Geremon)
Garbagemon (w/ Numemon)
Garbagemon (w/ Roachmon)
MetalMamemon (w/ Ninjamon)


USA Name / PlatinumSukamon

Japanese Name / PlatinumSukamon

Origin / English. Platinum is a type of metal. Suka comes from sukatorojikaru, the Japanese spelling of scatological, which means having to do with excrement*

Origin / English. Platinum is a type of metal. Suka comes from sukatorojikaru, the Japanese spelling of scatological, which means having to do with excrement*

* Name meaning taken from Megchan's site

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