General Information |
First Appearances |
Rookie 1 |
Virus 1 |
Puppet 1 |
Début |
Card Début |
Anime Début |
Season 5 |
Da-129 |
S5 : Episode 1 |
Toei Picture |
Bandai Picture
/ Available
Picture |
Family (Families) |
US Attacks |
Japanese Attacks |
Pawn Spear 9
/ Bone Spear 6
Pawn Charge 9
Pawn Lightning 9
Pawn Penetrate 9
? |
Charge 2 / Body Attack
4 / Tackle
4 / Slamming Attack
Earth Shaker 5
/ Earth Tremor 2
Miracle Armor 2
Light Tackle 6
Energy Bolt 6
Mini Blade 6
Boost On 6 |
Pawn Spear
Pawn Buckler 1
Pawn Lightning 8
Pawn Penetrate 8
Pyramid Formation 10 |
Tai Atari (Body Blow) 3
Earth Shaker 3
Armor Break 3
Light Tackle 7
Energy Bolt 7
Mini Edge 7
Boost-On 7 |
Profile |
Variations |
Subspecies |
Digimon Dictionary
A Puppet Digimon born from the data that flowed out from
a supercomputer during a game of chess. While this
upstart has a weak amount of force, if rewards are
mentioned, more will gather to form a squad of general
infantrymen with a mysteriously hidden power equivalent
to those at the Mega level. Its favourite saying is
"Only move forward!" It competes with its rivals in
order to be the one to claim the reward. Its special
attacks are "Pawn Spear", wherein it jabs with
spear, and "Pawn Buckler", wherein it charges forward
with its shield held out. It can also obtain logistical
support from its comrades and form the "Pyramid
Formation" maneuver, which make even Ultimate-leveled
Digimon hesitant to attack. (Wildermon)
Story M/S
Digimon Story Moonlight / Sunburst
A puppet type Digimon was created from data flown out of
a computer's chess game. Its power is still weak, but
holds a potential to possess the ultimate-class power.
It shares a rivalry with a general foot soldier,
PawnChessmon (White). (This profile is from North American release of Digimon Story Moonlight / Sunburst) (Garmmon)
コンピュータの チェスのゲームから りゅうしゅつした
データから生まれた パペットデジモン
まだチカラは よわいが なりあがることで
究極体クラスのチカラを もつ かのうせいを
ひめている いっぱんほへい
ポーンチェスモン(しろ)を ライバルし している
Digimon V-Tamer Residence
A Puppet Digimon born from the data produced during a
chess game on a super computer. A lone soldier is weak,
but when rewards are mentioned, more gather until these
general infantrymen sport a mysterious power that make
them equivalent to those of the Mega level, making them
more mysterious in nature. It regards
PawnChessmon (White) as its rival
and they compete to be the one who gets that reward
first. Its motto is "Only move forward!" (Wildermon)
- NA - |
PawnChessmon (White) |