General Information |
First Appearances |
Début |
Card Début |
Anime Début |
Digimon Dictionary |
D1-16 |
S6 : Episode 1 |
Toei Picture |
Bandai Picture / Available
Picture |

Fields |
- NA - |
US Attacks |
Japanese Attacks |
Kadan (Fire Shot) 1
Suiryū (Water Dragon) 1
Densen (Lightning Flash) 1
Kazaguruma (Windmill) 1
Sakuteki (Scouting) 1 |
Profile |
Weapons / Shields |
Subspecies |
Digimon Dictionary
A Ninja Digimon whose hobby is watching over Digimon from
any point, and never takes its eyes off anyone it
watches. It insists that it stalks the intended target
like a ninja itself. It feels it is able to scan and
detect 13 bodies across the earth this way.
Although it has a low amount of power, it's able to make
full use of its ninjitsu-based attacks, firing out
fireballs with "Kadan", blasting out water with
"Suiryū", creating hurricanes with "Kazaguruma",
and discharging an electric shock through "Densen".
Note that it is not actually capable of fighting, and is
more sufficient in "Information Sharing".
Monitormon is
proud of recording information and sharing it with
another Monitormon at the speed of light, thus displaying
streams of information to other soldiers. (Wildermon)
Super XW
Digimon Story Super Xros Wars
Not available yet
デジモン・ウォッチングが しゅみの どこにでもいて
つねに だれかを かんししている にんじゃデジモン
1体みかけたら 30体は いると おもったほうがいい
「じょうほうのきょうゆう」の のうりょくに より
モニタモンの みたものは いいことも ワルいことも
光より はやく ひろまってしまう
Toei Xros Wars Website
With a hobby of Digimon-watching wherever it goes, it is a ninja Digimon
that is always observing someone. The things it does are more the acts of a
stalker. If you happen to see one of them, you had better believe that there
are thirty of them around you. Although it freely uses ninjitsu such as
"Kadan", which creates a fireball, "Suiryū", a water pistol, "Kazaguruma",
which raises a wind, and "Densen", which discharges lightning, none of them
have very great power. What should be noted is not its fighting strength but
its ability of "Information Sharing". This lets it record acquired
information and share it with fellow Monitamon, so Monitamon's observations
of good as well as bad and shameful things are spread faster than light. (KrytenKoro)
TV Asahi
TV Asahi Xros Wars Website
Digimon-watching is their interest wherever they are,
and these ninja Digimon are always spying on somebody.
If you happen to see one, you had better believe there
are thirty of them in the area. They make good use of
their ninja skills, but their power is not very high.
The part where you should be careful is with their
"sharing of information" ability. Intelligence is
recorded and can be shared with their fellow Monitormon
and propagated faster than light, for better or for
worse. (Grímúlfr)
Evolution |
Name Origin |
Etymology |
English. Monita is the
romanization of monitor, which refers to both the
CRT monitor and
the action of monitoring. |
References |
Digimon Dictionary
Season 6 : Episode 23 |
Credits |
Toei picture was created by Wikimon
Bandai picture 1 was created by Bandai, 2 was created by
- LCD picture 1 was created
by NM, 1-2 was created by Garmmon |