General Information |
First Appearances |
Ultimate 1 |
Virus 1 |
Demon Man 1 |
Début |
Card Début |
Anime Début |
Booster 24 |
Bo-1145 |
S6 : Episode 55 |
Toei Picture |
Bandai Picture / Available
Picture |
Fields |
US Attacks |
Japanese Attacks |
Profile |
Weapons / Shields |
Subspecies |
Digimon Dictionary
Although it's at the Ultimate level, this Young Nobleman
of the Dark Area commands a troop of demonic Digimon and
has powers that surpass even a Mega. This cruel and
devilish Digimon has many fans, and it's thought by many
that its charismatic nature symbolizes his entire being.
The bullets fired from his favorite 'Oro Salmón' machine
gun have their own free will, and will pursue the enemy
'at a Hellish limit'. Its special attacks are "Hell
Fire", which fires bullets from its 'Oro Salmón' machine
gun, and "Maverick', which issues forth a kick filled
with dark energy.
Oro Salmón is the work of the gunsmith who crafted
Beelzemon's favorite
guns, the "Berenjena". (Wildermon)
Digimon V-Tamer Residence
A Demon Man Digimon whose charisma has garnered it a large number of
demon subordinates. This aristocratic-looking man fights splendidly in
battle with its large-sized gun and knife. (Wildermon)