General Information |
First Appearances |
Mega 1
DVR - No Other Source |
Unknown 1 |
Unknown 1 |
Début |
Card Début |
Anime Début |
Booster 4 |
Bo-163 |
S1 : Episode 53 |
Toei Picture |
Bandai Picture / Available
Picture |


Fields |
US Attacks |
Japanese Attacks |
Darkness Zone 4
Reverse Digivolve 6 / Dark Evolution
Total Annihilation 13 / Big Bang 4 /
Grand Big Bang 7
? |
01 Crusher 9
Gatling Bomb 9
Energy Cannon 9
Demon Slash 9
River of Power 6
Bloody Stream 14
Nightmare Claw 15
/ Crimson Lightning 6
/ Bloody Storm 16
Death Claw 6 / Touch of Evil
17 / Evil Wing
/ Evil Touch 19
Giga Cannon 6
Digital Bomb 20 / Virus Grenades
6 / Nano Swarm 21 |
Darkness Zone 1
Death Evolution 2
Grand Death Big Bang 1
Shokushu Kougeki (Tentacle Attack)
DVR - No Other Source |
Binary Crusher 10
Gatling Bomb 10
Energy Cannon 10
Demon Slash 10
Ultimate Stream
Bloody Stream 12
Death Claw
Mugen Canon
(Infinite Cannon) 12
Plug Bomb
12 |
Profile |
Weapons / Shields |
Subspecies |
Digimon Dictionary
Not available yet
Not available yet
Story M/S
Digimon Story Moonlight / Sunburst
It was created from the negative feelings of humans and Digimon. It is
said to bring total destruction and control the darkness. (This profile is from North American release of Digimon Story Moonlight / Sunburst) (Garmmon)
にんげんや デジモンの マイナスのきもちが あつまって
生まれた アンコクのチカラをもつ そんざい
おおいなる はめつを 生みだす ものともいわれ
むげんに ひろがる アンコクを あやつることができる
むすうに のびている しょくしゅを さまざまなかたちに
へんかさせ あつまったチカラを つかうことができる
Digimon V-Tamer Residence
A Digimon born from the negative thoughts of man fused with the grudges
of those Digimon who were unable to evolve before they died. The coming
of Apocalymon was written down as a prophecy in ancient times. The
various grudges and regrets of Digimon are contained within its huge
body, and information about those Digimon, such as their evolutionary
lines and all their special and signature attacks, are also crammed into
it. But it's the small body that appears on top of the large one that
makes up its true form. It seems that Apocalymon was once sealed
somewhere in the world, but it's said that
Millenniummon has
freed it by destroying its restraints. (Wildermon)
Not available yet