Digi-Dex /
SlashAngemon :
The Slashing Angel Monster |
General Information |
First Appearances |
Mega 3 |
Vaccine 3 |
Power 3 Note-1 |
Début |
Card Début |
Anime Début |
Digimon World 3 |
Dw-6 |
S6 : Episode 15 |
Toei Picture |
Bandai Picture
/ Available
Picture |
Family (Families) |
US Attacks |
Japanese Attacks |
Heaven's Ripper
/ Golden Ripper 1
? |
Burn Slash 1
Cold Slash 1
Mega Heal 1
Hammer Rush 1
Pinpoint Shot 1
Sonic Counter 2
Shine Slash 2
Double Gashing Breeze 2
Laser Blade 2
Heaven's Knuckle
9 /
Hand of Fate 8 / Hand of Destiny
/ Fist of Fate 12
Straight Punch
Seven Heavens 8 /
Strike of the
Seven Stars 11 |
Heaven's Ripper
Holy Espada (Holy Sword)
3 |
Sonic Counter 4
Shine Slash 4
Kasan Kamaitachi 4
Laser Edge 4
Heaven's Knuckle
Punch 7
Seven Heavens
7 |
Profile |
Variations |
Subspecies |
Digimon Dictionary
This Angel type Digimon, traditionally dressed and
masked in the style of dance/drama, leads the Angel army
corps, cutting through the vanguard during battle. As it
persists in justice, it does not fear death. Its entire
body is covered in razor-sharp blades, mainly its
metallic wings and its hands, and it is an Angel Warrior
who was created to fight against wicked beings. It can
attack with "Holy Espada". Its special attack is
"Heaven's Ripper", which darts at the enemy through
terrible powers and tears it up with the blades that
cover its body. (Wildermon)
Story M/S
Digimon Story Moonlight / Sunburst
This Digimon often leads vanguard forces. Its arms are sharp blades and
can slash the enemy violently. It is very adept offensively among angel
Digimon. (This profile is from North American release of Digimon Story Moonlight / Sunburst) (Garmmon)
てんしのぐんだんを ひきいて
たたかいの せんじんをきる てんしがたのデジモン
ぜんしんが するどいヤイバのように なっていて
てきを はげしく きりきざむことが できる
こうげきに とっかしたそんざい
Digimon V-Tamer Residence
A Power Angel Digimon that leads the "Angel army corps (Powers)". This
angel warrior serves to fight against evil, and every part of its body,
from its arms, helmet, wings and feet, has turned into metallic blades. (Wildermon)
Evolution |
- None -
Jogress Evolution
Leopardmon (w/ GrapLeomon)
4 |
Name Origin |
Name / SlashAngemon 2 / GuardiAngemon 1 |
Origin / English. Slash. Ange is short
for angel. |
Japanese Name / SlashAngemon |
Origin / English. Slash. Ange is short
for angel. |
References |
1 Digimon World 3
2 Digimon World Dusk / Dawn
3 Dw-6
4 Digimon Story Moonlight / Sunburst
6 Digimon Story Lost Evolution
7 Digimon Story
8 Digimon World DS
St-14 (Dub) (Shared attack used by
10 Digimon World Data Squad (Shared attack
used by Angemon)
11 Season 4 : Episode 13 (Dub)
(Shared attack used by
12 Digimon World 1 (Shared attack used by
Angemon) |
Note-1 Powers are 6th in the hierarchy of
angels. Powers are the bearers of conscience and the
keepers of history. Furthermore, they are warrior angels
created to be completely loyal to God, as some believe
no Power has ever fallen from grace. (Wikipedia) |
Credits |
Toei picture was created by Wikimon
Bandai picture was created by Bandai
LCD picture was created by Eimon and DaDuke |