Digi-Dex /
SkullScorpiomon :
The Skull Scorpion Monster |
General Information |
First Appearances |
Ultimate 1 |
Data 1 |
Insect 1 |
Début |
Card Début |
Anime Début |
Web Dot-Art Contest Note-1 |
Bo-528 |
S6 : Episode 12 |
Toei Picture |
Bandai Picture
/ Available
Picture |
Family (Families) |
US Attacks |
Japanese Attacks |
Poison Pierce
Blackout 1 |
Profile |
Variations |
Subspecies |
Digimon Dictionary
An Insect type Digimon called "The Assassin of the
Desert". Without a trace, it stealthily approaches
behind the opponent and stabs it with the deadly
poison-covered needle on the tip of its tail. Because
the poison that covers SkullScorpiomon's tail works
faster than it takes the opponent's nervous system to
react, the opponent doesn't notice it's being poisoned
and so dies quickly. Therefore, it lives up to its
nickname, and even more so when you consider the fact
that there have been no records of opponents finding it
behind them. It likes to attack with "Blackout", which
sprinkles down a slightly poisonous fog that blinds the
opponent. There have been no records of opponents
realizing who has caused the painful fog to appear
around them. Its special attack is "Poison
which stabs the enemy with the deadly poison-covered
needle on the tip of its tail. (Wildermon)
Super XW
Digimon Story Super Xros Wars
Not available yet
「さばくのあんさつしゃ」と よばれる
コンチュウがた デジモン
シッポの どくばりで あいてを つきさし
さされたことに きづかず ぜつめいさせてしまう
そのため あいてに その そんざいすら しられることが
ないのが あんさつしゃと よばれる ゆえんである
Digimon V-Tamer Residence
An Insect Digimon that is also known by the nickname of "Assassin of
the Desert". It quietly approaches the enemy without giving itself away,
then stabs it with the deadly poisonous stinger on the tip of its tail.
Because the deadly poison is quicker than the transmission speed of
nerve data, the enemy runs out of energy before it realizes what has
happened. (Wildermon)
Evolution |
Name Origin |
Name /
SkullScorpiomon 5 |
Origin / English.
Skull. Scorpio is short for scorpion. |
Japanese Name / Scorpiomon |
Origin / English.
Scorpio is short for scorpion. |
References |
2 St-664
DAccelerator - Evil
4 St-656
DT-147 (Dub)
6 Season 6 : Episode 14 |
Note-1 Created by Yūsuke Ogura from
Okayama prefecture for the 2nd "Digimon
Web Dot-Art Contest". This entry is a
Digivice category silver prize winner, appearing for the first time in Booster 11.
Dictionary) |
Credits |
Toei picture was created by Garmmon
Bandai picture was created by Bandai
LCD picture 1 was created by the
site, 2 was created by the
site |