Digi-Dex /
SkullKnightmon :
The Skull Knight Monster |
General Information |
First Appearances |
Début |
Card Début |
Anime Début |
Super Digica Taisen Set 2 |
D2-31 |
S6 : Episode 19 |
Toei Picture |
Bandai Picture
/ Available
Picture |
Family (Families) |
- NA - |
US Attacks |
Japanese Attacks |
Spear Needle 1
Breast-eye Wink 1 |
Profile |
Variations |
Subspecies |
Digimon Dictionary
A big brother who exchanged cups of brotherhood with
DeadlyAxemon. As a
knight which excels in cunning, its behavior is based on
its policy, "Those who are knights must fight. Even more
than fighting, they must win," and generally speaking,
it puts importance on the outcomes in which it wins.
Moreover, it will unabashedly perform any kind of
unclean act to arrive at that result. It specializes in
combat which capitalizes on the size of its body, and
the manner in which it dives at the opponent's chest,
swinging its "Spear Needle", shows off the unthinkable
actions of a knight that has forgotten its pride. (KrytenKoro)
Super XW
Digimon Story Super Xros Wars
Not available yet
デッドリーアックスモンの アニキぶん
ワルぢえに たけた きしで しょうりという けっかを
じゅうようし している
それに いたる かていでば どんな キタないことも
へいきで おこなう
TV Asahi
TV Asahi Xros Wars Website
A knight which excels in cunning and will do unclean
things for the sake of victory
A big brother who exchanged cups of brotherhood with
DeadlyAxemon. As a
knight which excels in cunning, generally speaking, it
puts importance on the outcomes in which it wins, and
for that reason it will unabashedly perform any kind of
unclean act. It specializes in combat which capitalizes
on the size of its body, and the manner in which it
dives at the opponent's chest, swinging its "Spear
Needle", shows off the unthinkable actions of a knight
that has forgotten its pride. SkullKnightmon and
DeadlyAxemon DigiXros
to DarkKnightmon. (KrytenKoro)
Xros Figure
A big brother who exchanged cups of brotherhood with
DeadlyAxemon. As a
knight which excels in cunning, generally speaking, it
puts importance on the outcomes in which it wins. It
specializes in combat which capitalizes on the size of
its body, and the manner in which it dives at the
opponent's chest, swinging its "Spear Needle", shows off
the unthinkable actions of a knight that has forgotten
its pride. (KrytenKoro)
Evolution |
Name Origin |
Japanese Name / SkullKnightmon |
Origin / English. Skull. Knight. |
References |
TV Asahi
2 Season 6 : Episode 19
Digimon Dictionary
4 1-040 |
Credits |
Toei picture was created by Wikimon
LCD picture 1 was created by Garmmon, 2 was created by Jackalmon |