General Information |
First Appearances |
Début |
Card Début |
Anime Début |
Toei Picture |
Bandai Picture
/ Available
Picture |
- NA - |
Family (Families) |
- NA - |
US Attacks |
Japanese Attacks |
Additional Information |
Variations |
Subspecies |
A Spirit type Digimon with a semitransparent body. He
always wanders across the air because his body is light
like tomentum. He has a habit of catching breezes in the
wind in order to move a considerable amount of distance.
He has a mild nature and hates to fight, but if he gets
himself cornered, he opens his mouth wide, draws in air
and swells his body up to three times its usual size,
surprising the enemy: this is translated as his "Puff
Balloon" attack; afterwards, he spouts out air and runs
away at the nearest opportunity. |