General Information |
First Appearances |
Mega 1 |
Vaccine 1 |
God Man 1 |
Début |
Card Début |
Anime Début |
Toei Picture |
Bandai Picture
/ Available
Picture |
- NA - |
Family (Families) |
US Attacks |
Japanese Attacks |
Wave of Depth 4
Vortex Penetrate
Terrible Bite 4
Gate of Atlantis
4 |
Charge 5 / Body Attack
7 / Tackle
7 / Slamming Attack
Ice Blast 5
Tidal Wave
Bloody Wave
Power Cutter 8
Light Wave 8
Gigaton Hydro 8
Ocean Wave 8 |
Wave of Depth
Vortex Penetrate 1
King's Bite 3
Gate of Atlantis 3 |
Tai Atari (Body Blow) 6
Ice Arrow 6
Tidal Wave
Blood Wave 6
Power Cutter 9
Wave of Content 9
Gigaton Hydro 9
Ocean Wave 9 |
Profile |
Variations |
Subspecies |
Digimon Dictionary
A God Beast type Digimon which rules over
all Aquatic type Digimon as a member of the Olympus
Twelve. Though the Scale Mail which covers Neptunemon's
body is made of "Chrome Digizoid" converted into the
"Blue Digizoid" which excels in agility, it prefers to
remove it when possible due to its poor speed in the
water. It constructed the deep-sea shrine known as "Abyss Sanctuary"; as its
description suggests, the castle is built within the
bottommost area of the Net Ocean, and only those who can
withstand the severe water pressure can safely enter the
fortress. Its special attacks are "Wave Depth", which
creates a massive tsunami that swallows everything in
its path, and "Vortex Penetrate", which stabs with
spear, "King's Bite", which is speculated to have a mind
of its own. (Wildermon)
Story M/S
Digimon Story Moonlight / Sunburst
A Digimon that is the ruler of all water type Digimon.
It wears scale mail made of Blue Digizoid. Its agile and
powerful spear has tremendous destructive power. (This profile is from North American release of Digimon Story Moonlight / Sunburst) (Garmmon)
すべての 水せいデジモンをおさめる かいじんデジモン
体をおおう スケイルメイルは
かるくてつよい 『ブルーデジゾイド』で できていて
きどうりょくに すぐれている
きょだいな やりのいちげきによる
こうげきりょくも ひじょうにたかい
Digimon V-Tamer Residence
A Digimon that is a member of the "Olympus Twelve", a group known to
take on a neutral viewpoint of the Digital World and manipulate the
power of nature. It lives in the "Abyss Sanctuary", built in the
super-deep waters of the Net Ocean. Because ordinary Digimon are unable
to bear the super-deep water pressure within that area, it's almost
impossible to arrive there. It is a master of controlling all the
Aquatic type Digimon, and manages to maintain its claim of being the
fastest in the water by wearing "Scalemail" made from "Blue Digizoid",
moving at twice the speed of light and exceeding
MetalSeadramon's velocity. It fights
with its huge "King's Bite" spear, a weapon with a will of its own. (Wildermon)
- NA - |
Neptunmon (Xros Wars) |