General Information |
First Appearances |
Début |
Card Début |
Anime Début |
Season 6 |
D2-22 |
S6 : Episode 2 |
Toei Picture |
Bandai Picture
/ Available
Picture |
Family (Families) |
- NA - |
US Attacks |
Japanese Attacks |
Giga Blaster 3
Mega Claw 3 |
Giga Destroyer 1
Trident Arm 1 |
Profile |
Variations |
Subspecies |
Digimon Dictionary
Through the power of "Senjutsukyouka Keitai" (Tactical
Enhancement Mode),
MailBirdramon fused with
Greymon, becoming a
Greymon whose combat power was enhanced but not
sacrificed, allowing it to focus on dogfights more.
Its "Trident Arm" attack is an example of how greatly
improved Greymon's attack
power is, and its strong power is unleashed through the
superheated claws it obtained when it fused, and its
annihilating attack of "Giga Destroyer" is a
high-energized laser beam that can lock-on to enemies
all around it, and whose attack power can be
strengthened at a ratio of 1:1 if there are vast amount
of enemies, thus giving
Greymon an even chance of surviving in battle. (Wildermon)
Super XW
Digimon Story Super Xros Wars
Not available yet
グレイモンのパワーに メイルバードラモンのそうこうを
もった 「せんじゅつきょうかけいたい」は グレイモンの
せんとうりょくを そこなうことなく きょうかした
けいたいで ある
TV Asahi
TV Asahi Xros Wars Website
By enhancing its form, the one-on-one specialist Greymon
is strong enough to take on many!
A Digi Xros of Greymon
and MailBirdramon! It
is the "Senjutsukyouka Keitai" (Tactical Enhancement
Mode), which possesses
MailBirdramon's armor on top of
Greymon's power. Its
Special Moves are "Trident Arm", a technique which was
exceptionally enhanced in offensive power due to adding
ultra-high temperature claws on top of
Greymon's already mighty
strength, and "Giga Destroyer", a technique in which it
emits ultra-high energy, homing laser beams at all the
opponents surrounding it. (KrytenKoro)