An Arch-Angel type Digimon who bears
eight shining silvery wings. MagnaAngemon's role in the
Digital World is that of a law-enforcing officer, whose
duty is to supervise and watch over many Angel type
Digimon. Furthermore, he is a spokesman of the
consciousness of 'light' who keeps order in the Digital
World; he is usually dressed in Shinto priest's clothes,
but will change into his battle clothes [or
Battle Mode]
if the consciousness of 'darkness' covers the Digital
World in all its evilness. He attacks the enemy with his
holy sword 'Excalibur' and his Beam Shield that are
equipped on his left and right arms respectively when in
his battle clothes. In addition, MagnaAngemon is full of
affection when in his Shinto priest's clothes, but
changes into a strict person when in his battle clothes.
His special attack is "Heaven's Gate", which sucks the
enemy through a door and into an inescapable dimension.