Digi-Dex /
Locomon :
The Locomotive Monster |
General Information |
First Appearances |
Ultimate 1 |
Data 1 |
Machine1 |
Début |
Card Début |
Anime Début |
Toei Picture |
Bandai Picture
/ Available
Picture |
Family (Families) |
US Attacks |
Japanese Attacks |
Wheel Grinder
Steam Bomb 1 |
Profile |
Variations |
Subspecies |
Digimon Dictionary
A Machine type Digimon that takes on the form of a steam
train who keeps on running and believes it's precious
enough to survive. It exists only to carry data across
the network of the Digital World. Many vehicular Digimon
like Locomon like to think that the more heavy freight
they can carry across the Digital World at the quickest
amount of time will make them really useful. But,
outmoded Locomon will sometimes run out of control if
they move too quickly. It can only run on rails, so its
field of activities is small, but if it keeps its wheels
turning, it can traverse through spatial warps. It likes
to attack enemies with "Steam Bomb", which spouts out
steamy bombs from its stack. Its special attack is
"Wheel Grinder", which revolves and throws out a spiky
Digimon V-Tamer Residence
A Machine Digimon which took on the form of a locomotive. It exists to
carry data across the network and it feels that getting the goods delivered
on time is of the utmost importance. As a result, however, it will sometimes
run wild. (Wildermon)
Evolution |
Name Origin |
Origin /
English. Loco is short
for locomotive. |
Origin /
English. Loco is short
for locomotive. |
References |
2 Movie 6
3 Movie 6 (Dub)
4 Bo-79t
5 Bo-78t
Note-1 |
Note-1 The evolutions that appear on this
card might be an error. On this card Locomon evolves
from Locomon and
Sandiramon, which is also an
Ultimate level Digimon. This isn't the first time an
Ultimate Digimon evolved from another Ultimate. It's the
fact that it evolves from itself that makes me wonder if
this evolution was meant for
GranLocomon or possibly another
Mega leveled Digimon. |
Credits |
Toei picture was created by Seppi
Bandai picture was created by Bandai
LCD picture was created by Lhikan634 |