Digi-Dex /
Kudamon (Savers)
Kudamon :
The Pipe Fox Monster |
General Information |
First Appearances |
Rookie |
Vaccine |
Holy Beast |
Début |
Card Début |
Anime Début |
Season 5 |
Dm-43 |
S5 :
Episode 1 |
Toei Picture |
Bandai Picture
/ Available
Picture |


Family (Families) |
US Attacks |
Japanese Attacks |
Twirling Tackle
Shining Piercings /
Zekkoushou * (Extreme Light Shock)
Holy Shot
? |
Dangan Senpuu
(Bullet Whirlwind)
Zekkoushou (Extreme Light Shock)
Holy Shot
Perfect Shining |
Additional Information |
Variations |
Subspecies |
subspecies of Kudamon. He
acts differently from the one coiled around a
cartridge. His total length is somewhat short, but his
body is more fox-like than snake-like. His pattern is
also different; his pattern is drawn like a base
plate. He also acquired a new skill that shoots out a
beam, "Holy Shot". The color and shape of his collar is
different, his earring is different too.
* Season 5 : Episode 27 |
Evolution |
Officially Redesigned Information |
The Digimon you are viewing now is an
Officially Redesigned Digimon.
Digimon are like complex
Special Recolors, in that they are
intentional changes from the original and have their own
identity (attacks, type, attribute, and/or profile).
Intentional changes are usually obvious, because
Officially Redesigned
Digimon usually have their own profiles. |
Toei picture 1 was created by Digimon Wikia, 2 was created by
Bandai picture 1 was created by Bandai, 2 was created by
Shadowman, 3 was created by Vex_Srw
LCD picture 1 was created by BT08, 2 was created by
Lhikan634 |