General Information |
First Appearances |
Champion 1 |
Virus 1 |
Insect 1 |
Début |
Card Début |
Anime Début |
DM Ver. 5 |
Bo-128 |
S1 : Episode 26 |
Toei Picture |
Bandai Picture
/ Available
Picture |
Family (Families) |
US Attacks |
Japanese Attacks |
Poison Sting 7
/ Brown Stinger
Poison Powder 7 |
Surprise Blow 7
Electric Rage 7
Unexpected Blow
7 |
Deadly Sting
Poison Powder 1 |
Sudden Strike 6
Rage of Electricity
Quadrant Strike
6 |
Profile |
Variations |
Subspecies |
Digimon Dictionary
An Insect type Digimon with huge wings that forces bad luck to occur
everywhere. It can fly about with its huge wings at a super-high speed
and generate a huge howling noise called a 'Boom' during its flight;
those who hear it are instantly paralyzed. Its body is protected with a
hard integument covering, and it kills off enemies by collecting them in
its big talons and stabbing them with the super strong stinger on its
tail. The evolutionary processes of a normal Insect type Digimon are
still unknown, but judging by his face, we can assume that it evolved
from a member of the
species. Its special attack is "Deadly Sting", which stabs Digimon with
the stinger on his tail; those who are stung will be paralyzed as their
body changes color--purple--and dies. As an afterthought, it is
difficult to break the stinger as it replicates again and again. (Wildermon)
Digital Monster Version 5
Not available yet
Story M/S
Digimon Story Moonlight / Sunburst
A bee-like Insect Digimon which flies at high speed. It
flaps its wings so loud that it paralyses the enemy's
acoustic sense. It has a very poisonous stinger on its
tail which can be reproduced many times. (This profile is from North American release of Digimon Story Moonlight / Sunburst) (Garmmon)
超こうそくスピードで とびまわる
ハチににた こんちゅうがたデジモン
このとき はっせいする はおとは おとを かんじる
かんかくを マヒさせるほど キョウレツ
シッポの ドクばりのドクは かなりきょうりょくで キケン
このドクばりは なんどでも さいせいできる
Toei Xros Wars Website
An Insect Digimon that possesses giant wings. With its wings it is able
to fly about at ultra-high speed, and it generates an enormous Howling Noise
called buzzing while in flight, completely numbing the sense of hearing of
those who hear it. Its body is protected by a hard shell, and it pinches the
opponent between its giant talons and brings about death with the
super-powerful stinger on its tail. Although the evolutionary processes of
Insect Digimon are still uncertain, it is thought that it evolved from a
Kunemon-species, guessing by the appearance of its face. Its Special Move is
firing the stinger on its tail (Deadly Stinger), and it is said that Digimon
who are stung with this stinger have their whole body paralyzed, then their
body turns violet and they die. Incidentally, the stinger grows back
indefinitely. (KrytenKoro)
Digimon V-Tamer Residence
An Insect Digimon that flaps its huge wings and rushes about at high
speeds. Its body is covered with obstinate shells. The noise it
generates when it flies paralyzes the hearing of those subjected to it.
It picks up the enemy with its blade-shaped claws and stabs it with the
stinger on its tail. When stabbed by this stinger, your body turns
purple in color and you will surely die. It can replicate and fire its
stinger a number of times. (Wildermon)
Flymon (Striped) |
- NA - |