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DMA Version Final2

Digi-Dex / ClavisAngemon

ClavisAngemon : The Key Angel Monster

General Information First Appearances
Level Attribute Type
Mega 1 Vaccine 1 Virtue 1 Note-2
Début Card Début Anime Début
Booster 25 Bx-162 - NA -
Toei Picture Bandai Picture / Available Picture

- NA -


Family (Families)

US Attacks Japanese Attacks

Common Attacks


Misc. Attacks


Common Attacks

The Key 1
Zenith Gate

Misc. Attacks




Variations Subspecies


Digimon Dictionary


Not available yet


Not available yet


Digimon V-Tamer Residence


A Virtue Digimon that aligns itself with the "Three Great Angels", it dominates over "Dominimon" and has the same amount of power as the Angel "GuardiAngemon" despite being an Ultimate. It fights enemies with the huge "key"-shaped weapon in its hand, and it serves its purpose of protecting the "Zenith Gate" (a door leading to the zenith of the Digital World), sealed with 360 doors, well without disheveling the "Ranks of the Gods". (Wildermon)



- NA -

- NA -


Evolves From



Angewomon 1
MagnaAngemon 1

Evolves To

- None -

Evolves From (Anime)

- NA -

Evolves To (Anime)

- None -

Name Origin

US Name / ClavisAngemon 1

Origin / Latin and English. Clavis means key. Ange is short for angel.

Japanese Name / ClavisAngemon
Origin / Latin and English. Clavis means key. Ange is short for angel.



1 Bx-162
2 Digimon World DS

Note-1 ClavisAngemon seems to be based off the angel with the key to the abyss mentioned in the Book of Revelation (Lhikan634)

Note-2 Virtues are the 5th hierarchy of angels.


- Bandai picture was created by the Card Terminal
- LCD picture was created by Lhikan634


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