General Information |
First Appearances |
Ultimate 1 |
Data 1 |
Holy Beast 1 |
Début |
Card Début |
Anime Début |
Booster 12 |
Bo-562 |
S3 : Episode 33 |
Toei Picture |
Bandai Picture
/ Available
Picture |
Family (Families) |
US Attacks |
Japanese Attacks |
Asipatravana 4 /
Bunny Blades 3
Treasure Axe 4 |
Straight Punch 9
Heaven's Knuckle
13 /
Hand of Fate 9 / Hand of Destiny
/ Fist of Fate 14
Gashing Breeze 11
Mental Essence11
Power Cutter 11
Heavy Metal 11 |
Asipatravana 1
Bǎo Fǔ (Treasure Axe) 1 |
Punch 8
Heaven's Knuckle
Kamaitachi 10
Elemental Essence 10
Power Cutter 10
Heavy Metal 10 |
Profile |
Variations |
Subspecies |
Digimon Dictionary
This Ultimate-leveled Digimon that resembles a rabbit in
appearance is one of the "Deva Digimon". A subordinate
of the Four Holy Beasts member
Azulongmon, it sports
the mind of a victor. Although it is deeply genial, with
a likening for the frail, if someone appears and
attempts to trample them down, its nature will
completely change, fighting off the attacker by
transforming its hands into a pair of sharp "Bǎo Fǔ"
axes and swinging them around. It doesn't stop slashing
and spinning around sharply until the enemy's body is
deleted. Its special attack is "Asipatravana", which
spins around on the spot like a tornado and cuts
everything around it with the "Bǎo Fǔ"
axes on its hands. (Wildermon)
Digimon V-Tamer Residence
It is one of the twelve Deva and a subordinate of
Azulongmon, one of the Four Holy Beasts.
A Digimon that took on the form of the "Rabbit". It has a very gentle
personality and protects those that are weak. It has been granted an
excellent sense of hearing, and is able to transform its hands into "Bao
Fu" axes before attacking with them. (Wildermon)