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The DMA Shop : Tons of Digimon Cards  
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United Booster 3 07-XX-07 Japan
Evolve. 7 10-XX-07 Japan
Battle Terminal 02 1 XX-XX-07 Japan
Season 5 Fall '07 USA
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> Site Updates
Date What Pages and Why
08-03-07 - Added profiles for the following Digimon: BigMamemon, Crusadermon, ClavisAngemon, Cherubimon (Black), Cupimon, Crescemon, Coronamon, Dracmon, Dominimon, GranDracmon, GuardiAngemon, GrapLeomon, Gatomon, Gladimon, HerculesKabuterimon, Hawkmon, Kyubimon, Kenkimon, Kougamon, Lunamon, Lucemon, MameTyramon, Matadormon, Mamemon, Muchomon, MetalMamemon, Psychemon, Reapermon, Raremon, Snimon, Sangloupmon, Seraphimon, SaberLeomon, Sealsdramon, Taomon, ThunderBallmon, and Thunderbirmon.
- Added fan-made images of the following Digimon: RookChessmon (White) and BishopChessmon (Black)
- Added better Bandai pictures for the folloing Digimon: AncientMermaimon, AncientTroiamon, Bulbmon, and Dynasmon
07-30-07 - Added new Bandai pictures for the following Digimon: Imperialdramon Paladin Mode, Patamon, Flymon, Sunmon, Moonmon, BantyoLeomon, Sorcermon, Gallantmon, Hawkmon, Agumon (Savers), Salamon, Impmon, Dracmon, Gaomon, Lunamon, Coronamon, Mushroomon, Gomamon, Veemon, Lopmon, Kudamon, DemiDevimon, and Baihumon
- Added new Toei picture for the following Digimon: Pumpkinmon, SnowAgumon (Savers), BlackAgumon (Savers), Agumon (Savers), BioThunderbirmon, BioStegomon, Nyokimon, and Kudamon
- Added new images for the following Digimon: Peckmon (Next), KaratsukiNumemon (Yellow), and Coredramon
07-24-07 - Added new Toei images for the following Digimon: AncientGreymon, BlackWarGreymon, Bullmon, Beetlemon, BlueMeramon, EmperorGreymon, JagerLoewemon. Korikakumon, Prairiemon, MagnaGarurumon, ShadowSeraphimon
- Added new Bandai images for the following Digimon: AncientMermaimon, AncientTroiamon, Armormon, Bulbmon, Doumon, Dynasmon, Gallantmon Crimon Mode, GrandLocomon, GrapLeomon. Gulfmon, Imperialdramon (Black), Imperialdramon Fighter Mode, Imperialdramon Paladin Mode, Indramon, Justimon, Kuzuhamon, Kyukimon, Marsmon, Mephistomon, Ornismon, Pajiramon, Pandamon, Phelesmon, PrinceMamemon, Raidenmon, and Vajramon
- Added profiles from the following Digimon: Locomon, GrandLocomon, Giromon, Guardromon, Unimon, BomberNanimon, Monochromon, Mothmon, Murmuxmon, LoaderLeomon, Dynasmon, TyrantKabuterimon, TonosamaMamemon, Tankdramon, Tekkamon, and Sakuyamon.
07-15-07 - Added RookChessmon (White) and BishopChessmon (Black) to the Digi-Dex. Also included Trailmon (Unnamed Model 1), Trailmon (Unnamed Model 2), Trailmon (Unnamed Model 3)
- The following cards have new evolutions added: Crusadermon, Dynasmon, MetalGreymon, MagnaAngemon, Gallantmon, Flaremon, Mammothmon, Craniummon, Duftmon, Sakuyamon, Lillymon, Leviamon, Crescemon, Pandamon, Belphemon, Barbamon, Karatenmon, Daemon, Asuramon, Antylamon (Tamers), MegaGargomon, QueenChessmon, KingChessmon, MarineAngemon, Garudamon, Peacockmon, Shurimon, AeroVeedramon, Aquilamon, Lekismon, Arukenimon, Sunflowmon, Devimon, Gargomon, Piddomon, Meramon, Labramon, ToyAgumon, Coronamon, Kudamon, Piddomon, Leomon, Impmon, Guardromon, Solarmon, DemiDevimon, Patamon, Coredramon, Ryudamon, DORUmon, and Dracomon
- Add new US attack names for the following Digimon: Garurumon, Gaogamon, GeoGreymon, Lalamon, Leomon, Guilmon, MachGaogamon, RiseGreymon, Rosemon, ShineGreymon Shamanmon, Starmon, SuperStarmon, and Sunflowmon.

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